The DIMIG project page is online !

The DIMIG project, financed by CI Migra­tion and the Fonda­tion de France, seeks to find out how discourses on migra­tion and migra­tion flows are related. The project tries to unders­tand how the media and poli­ti­cians frame migra­tion flows in public discourses and to what extent these discourses relate to actual migra­tion and asylum flows.

DIMIG brings toge­ther econo­mists, poli­tical scien­tists, geogra­phers and data scien­tists. The project relies upon a mixed methods approach and is split in 2 work packages and teams. The first team is inter­ested in media discourses on ‘migra­tion crises’ across contexts, while the second team looks at deter­mi­nants of poli­tical discourses on migration.

Click here for more project infor­ma­tion and news.