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Understanding the determinants of migrants” access to social services across legal statuses : an international comparison

Presentation of the project

This project seeks to 1) compa­ra­ti­vely explore the deter­mi­nants of migrants’ access to social services by linking micro, meso and macro levels of analysis ; 2) propose typo­lo­gies of migrants’ access to social services anchored in cross-checked empi­rical evidence and 3) initiate an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary conver­sa­tion between resear­chers at various career stages (PhD students, early-career resear­chers, senior resear­chers) who resorted to different methods (quali­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive) and mobi­lized various theo­re­tical frames (drawing on socio­logy, poli­tical science, geography, law and anthropology).

Principal investigators

Nina Sahraoui and Marie Mallet Garcia