Webinaire FlashUkraine par Marina KEDA : Migration as an engine of Europeanness — 3 mai 2024, en ligne

Webi­naire orga­nisé dans le cadre du programme FlashU­kraine 

Marina KEDA : Migra­tion as an engine of Euro­pean­ness : resha­ping the iden­tity in times of war

Vendredi 3 mai 2024
En ligne.

Based on the original survey conducted in 2023 among displaced Ukrai­nians living in the EU member states, Marina Keda examines migrants’ parti­ci­pa­tion in Euro­pean cultural prac­tices, and their commit­ment to such values as respect for human rights, freedom and demo­cracy. She studies the evolu­tion of self-iden­tity towards Europe using repre­sen­ta­tive surveys carried out in Ukraine in the past.

Marina Keda, PhD, is a Jean Monnet fellow at the Migra­tion Policy Center of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the Euro­pean Univer­sity Insti­tute (Florence, Italy), and the Head of the Center for Euro­pean Studies at the National Univer­sity “Cher­nihiv Cole­hium” (Ukraine). Her research inter­ests include the EU cultural and migra­tion poli­cies, the concept of Europe and the Euro­pean inte­gra­tion, the Euro­pean history and iden­tity. Currently, she is the academic coor­di­nator of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project SEED ‘Studying Europe – Educa­tional Dimension’.

Voir le replay de la séance.