CONF : « Geopolitics of knowledge and inequalities within migration scholarship » — March 11th 2024, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers

The CI Migra­tions is orga­ni­zing, in conjunc­tion with the IMISCOE Stan­ding Committee on Reflexi­vi­ties in Migra­tion Studies, the EHESS and the UMR Géogra­phie-Cités of CNRS, a study day on March 11th entitled : « Geopo­li­tics of know­ledge and inequa­li­ties within migra­tion scholarship ».

The morning session, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., will focus on the follo­wing theme : « Contex­tua­li­zing migra­tion scho­lar­ship, addres­sing inequa­li­ties, navi­ga­ting epis­temic commu­ni­ties ». The after­noon session, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., will reflect on : « From field­work to policy dialogue. Posi­tio­na­li­ties, rela­tio­na­li­ties and research impact ».

Marie-Caro­line Saglio-Yatzi­mirsky (Inalco), director of CI Migra­tions, Camille Schmoll (EHESS/­Géo­gra­phie-cités), geogra­pher and resear­cher affi­liated with the Insti­tute, and socio­lo­gist Eleo­nore Kofman (Midd­lesex U. London) will intro­duce the day. Many other resear­chers affi­liated with CI Migra­tions will also be taking part.

March 11th 2024
9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Audi­to­rium – Huma­thèque, Campus Condorcet, Auber­vil­liers (« Front Popu­laire » station, sub.12 )
Regis­tra­tion required : link

Find below, or on this link, a short program of the day :


Find full program below : 

Morning session
Contex­tua­li­zing migra­tion scho­lar­ship, navi­ga­ting epis­temic commu­ni­ties, addres­sing inequalities
Chair : Audrey Lenoël (ICM) and Aurélie Varrel (CNRS/​ICM)

1/​Andreas Pott (Osna­brück U.)
Produ­cing Know­ledge on the ‘Produc­tion of Migra­tion’: The uneven geography of a ‘Colla­bo­ra­tive Research Centre’
2 /​Eleo­nore Kofman (Midd­lesex U.)
Gender and Migra­tion : the produc­tion of an epis­temic community
3/​Flore Gubert (IRD/​ICM) and Marie-Caro­line Saglio Yatzi­mirsky (INALCO/​ICM)
Foste­ring the visi­bi­lity of non-Western, non-anglo­phone know­ledge on inter­na­tional migra­tion : the project of the ICM platform
4/​Hicham Jamid (IRD/​ICM) and Camille Schmoll (EHESS/­Géo­gra­phie-cités/ICM)
The uneven geogra­phies of know­ledge produc­tion in migra­tion scho­lar­ship. An inves­ti­ga­tion into the France-Moroccan space of know­ledge production
5/​Belén Fernández-Suárez (ESOMI, Univer­sity of A Coruna) and Antía Pérez-Caramés (ESOMI, Univer­sity of A Coruna)
Know­ledge co-produc­tion in migra­tion studies. A reflec­tion based on hybrid prac­tices of research and artistic intervention
6/​Marie-Caro­line Saglio-Yatzi­mirsky (INALCO/​ICM)
Buil­ding colla­bo­ra­tive research on migra­tions with the Global South

After­noon session
From ethics to policy dialogue. Posi­tio­na­li­ties, rela­tio­na­li­ties and research impact
Chair : Camille Schmoll (EHESS/​ICM) and Eleo­nore Kofman (Midd­lesex University)

1/​Janine Dahinden (Univ. Neuchâtel), with A. Pott
Why we (still) need to think about reflexi­vity in migra­tion studies
2/​Ann Singleton (Univer­sity of Bristol)
The repro­duc­tion of gaps in know­ledge and policy : impli­ca­tions for scena­rios and forecasting
3/​Hélène Thiollet (CNRS/​Sciences Po) with Flore Gubert (IRD/​ICM) and Thomas Lacroix (CNRS Sciences Po)
Towards an Inter­na­tional Panel on Migration ?
4/​Thais França (ISCTE, IUL)
The Silent Scho­lars : The Unre­co­gnized Academic Contri­bu­tions of Inter­na­tional Students
5/​Kesi Mahen­dran (OPRC, The Open Univer­sity, UK)
Mixed Migra­tion-Mobi­lity Couples : Disrup­ting the age-old marriage between migra­tion and culture
6/​Phil Schäfer (Osna­brück U.)
Situated Know­ledges, Critical Encoun­ters and the Limits of Care. Chal­lenges of Copro­du­cing Know­ledge on Migra­tion with the Police