Recrutement : revue Migration Studies, Deputy Editor et Associate Editor — LIMITE : 02/​01/​2024

Oxford Univer­sity Press (OUP) invites appli­ca­tions for the posi­tion of Deputy Editor and Asso­ciate Editor for Migra­tion Studies, presen­ting an oppor­tu­nity to contri­bute to the opera­tion and future deve­lop­ment of the journal.

The posi­tions offer the oppor­tu­nity to keep abreast of trends in current research and thin­king in the field through running the manus­cript peer review process, and to contri­bute to the future success of an esta­bli­shed and respected journal. The Deputy Editor is respon­sible for over­seeing special issues.

We have several vacan­cies coming up from early 2024 for an initial two-year term, with scope to extend subject to mutual interest.

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