PUBLI : Achille Dadly Borvil and Lara Gautier, « How did support systems in Western countries transform and adapt to meet underserviced and marginalized migrants’ needs ? A scoping review », Alterstice – Revue Internationale de la Recherche Interculturelle, vol. 11, n° 2, 2022


This syste­matic review of 31 papers, publi­shed in English and French between March 2020 and February 2022 aims at provi­ding a portrait of the inter­ven­tions that were set up to address preca­rious migrants” needs in Western coun­tries during the pandemic and to cate­go­rize them by area of inter­ven­tion. It high­lights the key role of commu­nity-based orga­ni­za­tions, and empha­sizes the rele­vance of inter­sec­toral colla­bo­ra­tion as a stra­tegy to respond effec­ti­vely to the needs of preca­rious migrants in times of crisis.

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