CONF : Symposium « Asian Minorities in Europe and in North America. A transatlantic dialogue on memories, representations, and recognition », 12th June 2023, 8.30 am – 5.30 pm, Sciences Po, Paris


The surge of the anti-Asian bigotry since the COVID-19 has aroused a general
aware­ness about the preju­dices against Asian popu­la­tions. However, its causes,
patterns and responses remain little explored. This inter­na­tional confe­rence will bring
toge­ther resear­chers and acti­vists from Europe and North America to compare the
memo­ries, repre­sen­ta­tions and recog­ni­tion of Asian popu­la­tions in different national
contexts. Two central ques­tions are addressed : First, how do groups and indi­vi­duals
with Asian heri­tage appro­priate collec­tive memo­ries to fight for a fairer repre­sen­ta­tion
in Europe and in North America ? Secondly, how do different regimes of diver­sity in
multi­cul­tural demo­cratic coun­tries deter­mine the recog­ni­tion of Asian mino­ri­ties in the
public space ? Through a trans­at­lantic dialogue, we expect to come up with plau­sible
direc­tions for future research and actions on Asian mino­ri­ties acknow­led­ge­ment in
Western socie­ties.


Programme. Asian Mino­ri­ties in Europe and in North America

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