PUBLI : Camille Traoré, « Compared Policy Analysis of Intermunicipalities in France, the Comoros and Mali : The Role of African Diasporas in Translocal Policy Transfers », Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis : Research and Practice, 2023, online


This article compares the adop­tion of inter­mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties within ten years in Mali, France and the Comoros. Inter­mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties are trans­ferred from France through original coope­ra­tions between diasporas and local autho­ri­ties. The trans­local notion is a rele­vant way to compare terri­to­ries with similar insti­tu­tional frame­works but contrasted prac­tices. A compre­hen­sive approach based on compa­ra­tive mono­graphs and biogra­phies analyzes how transfer agents operate simul­ta­neously in French and African terri­to­ries. The article shows new objec­tives and local agents at work in local-to-local trans­fers of poli­cies. Oppor­tu­nistic policy trans­fers are the result of stra­tegic coali­tions between trans­na­tional diasporas and local autho­ri­ties with momen­ta­rily conver­ging objectives.

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