AAC : Junior Workshop on the Economics of Migration, 15–16 juin 2023, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers

The Junior Work­shop on the Econo­mics of Migra­tion aims to provide an oppor­tu­nity to junior resear­chers on migra­tion econo­mics to present and meet in-person. This work­shop follows the spirit of the online webinar series on the econo­mics of migra­tion, an initia­tive that was laun­ched in April 2020 to provide a plat­form to econo­mists working on migra­tion to present their work virtually. This work­shop is supported by the Euro­pean part­ners involved in the orga­ni­za­tion of the virtual seminar series : CEPII, CERDI, ICM, LISER, PSE, Univer­sidad Carlos III, and Univer­sity of Luxembourg.

The confe­rence will take place on June 15 (star­ting around 12h) and June 16 (fini­shing around 17h), 2023 in the Campus Condorcet in Paris. The one-and-a-half day format will feature three keynote lectures, and about 12 paper presen­ta­tions. A discus­sant will be allo­cated to each presen­ta­tion. The orga­ni­sers are unable to cover accom­mo­da­tion and travel costs. However, they will be able to offer special prices for accom­mo­da­tion in a hotel close to the confe­rence venue.

Keynote lectures : Cátia Batista (NOVA SBE), Simone Bertoli (CERDI) & Frédéric Docquier (LISER)


Appli­cants should either be Ph.D. students or have defended their PhD after June 1st 2020. Please submit full papers in PDF here by February 15, 2023.

Scientific Committee

Etienne Bacher (LISER), Michel Beine (Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg), Simone Bertoli (CERDI), Maria Alexandra Castel­lanos (UC3M), Luka Delgado-Prieto (UC3M), Frédéric Docquier (LISER), Anthony Edo (CEPII), Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga (UC3M), Chris­tina Gath­mann (LISER), Elsa Gautrain (CERDI), María Gertrudis Feranández (UC3M), Yajna Govind (CBS), Giuseppe Grasso (LISER), Joël Machado (LISER), Hillel Rapo­port (PSE), Sarah Schneider-Strawc­zynski (Univer­sity of Exeter), Sara Signo­relli (Univer­sity of Amsterdam), Felix Stips (LISER), and Jérôme Valette (CEPII).


Joël Machado (LISER) & Jérôme Valette (CEPII, ICM). Any queries can be emailed to the orga­ni­zing committee at : economig@​sciencesconf.​org.
