AAC : 7th International Conference « Understanding Voluntary and Forced Migration » – Research and data needs, 11–12 mai 2023, Lille — DEADLINE : 01/​03/​22

On May 11–12, 2023, the LEM and the Univer­sity of Lille are hosting the 7th edition of the confe­rence “Unders­tan­ding Volun­tary and Forced Migration” (https://​lille​mi​gra​tion​.univ​-lille​.fr). The orga­ni­zing committee invites the submis­sion of high-quality academic papers that use different data­sets (admi­nis­tra­tive, survey, expe­ri­mental) on topics related to the volun­tary and forced inter­na­tional migration.

Keynote spea­kers : 

  • Pawel KACZMARCZYK, Center of Migra­tion Research. Univer­sity of Warsaw, Poland
    “The War in Ukraine and Migra­tion to Poland : Outlook and Challenges”
  • Tatiana PANCHENKO, Center for Inter­na­tional Insti­tu­tional Compa­ri­sons and Migra­tion Research, Munich
    « Inte­gra­tion Stra­te­gies of Ukrai­nian refu­gees in Germany »
  • Ave LAUREN, Direc­to­rate for Employ­ment, Labour and Social Affairs, OCDE
    “The Ukrai­nian Refugee Crisis : Taking Stock and Looking Ahead”

A discus­sant will be assi­gned to each paper presented at the conference.

Submis­sion dead­line : 1 March, 2023

If you would like to submit a paper (only full papers are accepted), please send a pdf file to understandingmigration@​gmail.​com

Call for Papers 2023

Down­load the document

Refe­rence page