PUBLI : Nicolas Vignier, « Migration and Changing Global Patterns of Infectious Diseases », in : Sandro Galea, Catherine K. Ettman & Muhammad H. Zaman (Eds.), Migration and Health, University of Chicago Press, 2022, p. 91–97.

About the book

Migra­tion and Health
Edited by Sandro GaleaCathe­rine K. Ettman, and Muhammad H. Zaman

496 pages | 3 half­tones, 11 line drawings, 22 tables | 6 x 9 | © 2022

A new intro­duc­tion to a time­less dynamic : how the move­ment of humans affects health everywhere.

Inter­na­tional migrants compose more than three percent of the world’s popu­la­tion, and internal migrants—those migra­ting within countries—are more than triple that number. Popu­la­tion migra­tion has long been, and remains today, one of the central demo­gra­phic shifts shaping the world around us. The world’s history—and its health—is shaped and colored by stories of migra­tion patterns, the poli­cies and poli­tical events that drive these move­ments, and narra­tives of indi­vi­dual migrants.

Migra­tion and Health offers the most expan­sive frame­work to date for unders­tan­ding and recko­ning with human migration’s impli­ca­tions for public health and its deter­mi­nants. It inter­ro­gates this complex rela­tion­ship by consi­de­ring not only the welfare of migrants, but also that of the source, desti­na­tion, and ensuing-gene­ra­tion popu­la­tions. The result is an elevated, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary resource for unders­tan­ding what is known—and the consi­de­rable terri­tory of what is not known—at an inter­sec­tion that promises to grow in impor­tance and influence as the century unfolds.



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