PUBLI : Laura Odasso and Elisa Fornalé, « The ‘inconfinables’ or the creation of ‘superfluous lives’ in times of crisis », Migration Letters, vol. 19, n° 6, 2022


Gender, class, ethni­city and gene­ra­tion played a deter­mi­ning role in expo­sure to the COVID-19 virus and in access to care. This trans­lated into diffe­rences in commu­ni­ca­bi­lity, morbi­dity and morta­lity. Migrants and ethnic mino­ri­ties have been over-repre­sented among serious cases, just as they are often also dispro­por­tio­na­tely affected during natural disas­ters and crises. We focus on a segment of vulne­rable popu­la­tion defined by the French term ‘incon­fi­nables’. Related to the term ‘confi­ne­ment’, used in France to mean lock­down, the ‘incon­fi­nables’ are those indi­vi­duals that, due to personal, socio-economic and admi­nis­tra­tive factors, may not respect the govern­mental measures proposed to contain the spread of the pandemic. The article presents an compa­ra­tive analysis of different approaches imple­mented at the domestic level (in France and Italy) to gain original insights into the prac­tice of lock­down regimes. These insights are used to explore the nexus between ethnic social inequa­li­ties, govern­mental capa­city to ensure effec­tive protec­tion of the whole popu­la­tion and human rights.

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