PUBLI : Fabio Perocco (Dir.), Racism in and for the Welfare State, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 354 p.


The book presents a global over­view of racism against immi­grants within and in the name of the welfare state. Rich in docu­ments and histo­rical pers­pec­tive, the volume analyses poli­tics, prac­tices, and discourses of welfare racism through the exam of discri­mi­na­tory laws, measures and speeches by insti­tu­tional actors, public figures, and organizations.

The strength and persis­tence of this form of racism are due to several factors, inclu­ding racism’s struc­tural posi­tion in modern society, a colo­nial root of welfare state, the intrinsic limits of social rights in capi­ta­lism, and puni­tive migra­tion policies.

Instru­ment of selec­tion, exclu­sion and stig­ma­ti­sa­tion, welfare racism is a distin­gui­shing feature of anti-immi­grant insti­tu­tional poli­cies, which became specially aggres­sive in the neoli­beral era with the dismant­ling of the welfare state and social rights.

Inte­gra­ting pers­pec­tives from Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, welfare racism results a global and struc­tured pheno­menon concer­ning world labour as a whole, produ­cing inequa­li­ties and divi­sion in the working class.

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