Alice Fill est doctorante à l’École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Chaire de Géopolitique du risque
Directeur de thèse : James Peter BURGESS, École Normale Supérieure (ENS), République des savoirs : Lettres, Sciences, Philosophie (UAR 3608)
Codirecteur de thèse :
Sujet de thèse : « Digital transformation of the migration regime in Africa : developments and setbacks between Human Rights and Migration Governance »
The project investigates the processes of digitalisation and datafication in Africa targeting forced migrant populations and resulting from the progressive technologization of both border control and humanitarian assistance. Moving from an interdisciplinary perspective that articulates Critical Security Studies and Science and Technology Studies in dialogue with International Human Rights Law, the project explores the multi-layered implications of these trends in key areas of migration governance, following exemplary technologies deployed by national, regional, and international stakeholders while problematising forms of data extractivism and techno-colonialism. Its ambition is to contribute to the elaboration of juridical and socio-political knowledge on these phenomena, discussing human rights challenges and accountability frameworks.
Alice Fill est rattachée aux départements POLICY et GLOBAL.