Lio Ando-Bourguet : « Indigenous practices of mobility and reasonings on the Mexico-US and Canada-US borders : interrogating mobility, territory, and sovereignty through issues of Indigeneity »

Lio Ando-Bour­guet est docto­rante à l’Université Paris-Cité.

Direc­teur de thèse : Laurent FARET, Univer­sité Paris-Cité, Centre d’études en sciences sociales sur les mondes afri­cains, améri­cains et asia­tiques (CESSMA)

Codi­rec­teur de thèse : Daniel SABBAGH, Sciences Po Paris, Centre de recherches inter­na­tio­nales (CERI)

Sujet de thèse : « Indi­ge­nous prac­tices of mobi­lity and reaso­nings on the Mexico-US and Canada-US borders : inter­ro­ga­ting mobi­lity, terri­tory, and sove­rei­gnty through issues of Indigeneity »

Indi­ge­nous mobi­li­ties and pers­pec­tives of land and belon­ging have yet to be thoroughly included in research on borde­ring processes and logics of exclu­sion. In poli­tical theory, discus­sions on the right to migrate and nation-states’ right to exclude have seldom consi­dered the issue in light of the speci­fi­ci­ties of Indi­ge­neity and its rela­tion to the state. This research aims to discuss the contem­po­rary mobi­lity-sove­rei­gnty nexus in rela­tion to the border struggles and trans­na­tional mobi­li­sa­tions of indi­ge­nous peoples whose tradi­tional terri­to­ries are divided by the Mexico-US and Canada-US borders. It will draw on compa­ra­tive ethno­gra­phic field­work and in-depth inter­views among indi­ge­nous orga­ni­sa­tions and tribes across the two borderlands.

Lio Ando-Bour­guet est ratta­chée aux dépar­te­ments POLICY et GLOBAL.

Projet de thèse