PUBLI : Moustapha Aladji, « Development delays, illegal immigration and the informal sector in French Guiana », Annals of Reviews & Research, vol. 7, n° 5, 2022


The arrival of a popu­la­tion on a terri­tory brings a poten­tial source of addi­tional work that overall allows the host country to increase its growth as shown by Choj­nicki and Ragot (2012) in their study. However, the France has the parti­cu­la­rity of being present on different conti­nents and thus holding terri­to­ries with great dispa­rity. Through this article, we want to focus on immi­gra­tion in French Guiana, looking for expla­na­tory factors for the reasons for immi­gra­tion to this terri­tory. At the same time, we are asked about the contri­bu­tions of this immi­gra­tion to know if it repre­sents an asset or a constraint for the deve­lop­ment of the terri­tory. The answer is obviously not binary, which gives more interest and complexity to the question.

Thus, we were able to carry out a first theo­re­tical analysis in order to grasp the most rele­vant elements to be studied in order to set up the empi­rical analysis. Then, we chose a Probit model that we then confronted with the Hosmer-Leme­show test.

The theo­re­tical analysis allowed us to high­light various elements of informal inte­gra­tion (housing, working condi­tions) that also promote a form of preca­rious­ness. Empi­rical analysis, she rather high­lighted the corre­lated factors that support this immi­gra­tion rate. Finally, we observed the case of the Hmong popu­la­tion settled in French Guiana for several decades, which represent a rela­ti­vely successful example of immi­gra­tion with a posi­tive economic impact.

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