PUBLI : Betty Rouland et Marouen Taleb, « COVID-19 in Tunisia : Mapping and Documenting the Impacts on Those on the Margins » in : Stanley D. Brunn et Donna Gilbreath (Dir.), COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies, Springer, 2022


Since the 2011 upri­sings, Tunisia has been going through a deli­cate poli­tical tran­si­tion while the socio-economic context is conti­nuously dete­rio­ra­ting. Our analysis focuses on the excep­tional period of the lock down (from the 20th of March 2020 to mid-June 2020). With a large portion of the popu­la­tion deprived of their daily informal jobs, the colla­teral damages of the coer­cive measures were imme­dia­tely visible in Tunisia. By criti­cally enga­ging with how the coro­na­virus was poli­ti­cally managed in Tunisia, we propose to map and docu­ment plural impacts of the pandemic contex­tua­li­zing this crisis for specific groups of popu­la­tion and terri­to­ries : Tunisia’s young popu­la­tion from hinter­land regions (symp­to­matic of the 2011 upri­sing and the terri­to­rial divi­sion) and ille­ga­lized sub-Saharan migrants. By focu­sing on preca­rious, invi­si­bi­lized and margi­na­lized groups, we ques­tion processes of poli­ti­za­tion of socio-economic claims under the circum­stan­tial constraints of the pandemic. Besides, this period (re-)activates new forms of civil society mobi­li­za­tion as well as coope­ra­tion through soli­da­rity. In a nutshell, the effects of COVID-19 allow us to observe the trans­for­ma­tions in the Tuni­sian post-revo­lu­tio­nary context through a much broader lens.

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