PUBLI : Lisa Crouzet et al., « Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups, including homeless persons and migrants, in France : A qualitative study », Preventive Medecine Reports, vol. 26, 2022


Social inequa­li­ties tended to increase in the context of the pandemic, parti­cu­larly in rela­tion to the measures taken to manage and reduce the risk of COVID-19. When lock­down measures required the general popu­la­tion « to stay home », what were home­less people expected to do ? The ECHO study is a cross-sectional, descrip­tive study with a convergent mixed-method design. Data were collected across shel­ters in France both during and imme­dia­tely follo­wing the lock­down (April – June 2020). This article presents the study’s quali­ta­tive findings, with a focus on unders­tan­ding both the expe­riences and percep­tions among these popu­la­tions of the measures taken to limit the COVID-19 infec­tion. A total of 26 semi-directed indi­vi­dual inter­views were conducted across seven shel­ters in both Lyon (42%) and Paris (58%). Data were analysed using thematic content analysis with partial blinded coding. Four key themes were iden­ti­fied : 1- Reac­tions to the intro­duc­tion of lock­down : a sudden imple­men­ta­tion remi­nis­cent of prior violent or trau­matic circum­stances amongst parti­ci­pants, 2- Accom­mo­da­tion during lock­down : parti­ci­pants” conflic­ting visions of the shelter, 3- Influence of the media and public commu­ni­ca­tion : an abun­dant flow of infor­ma­tion impac­ting parti­ci­pant’s well­being and repre­sen­ta­tions on the pandemic, and 4- The indi­vi­dual impact of lock­down : perceived health and limi­ta­tions to daily life acti­vi­ties. The most vulne­rable popu­la­tions have borne the heaviest burden during the pandemic. It is there­fore crucial that we improve both the avai­la­bi­lity of infor­ma­tion, and the health lite­racy of, all groups within the national population.

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