AAP : « Integrated Approaches to Human Migration/​Mobility in an Era of Rapid Global Change », Belmont Forum/​ANR – LIMITE : 29/​07/​2022

Call for projects

The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a colla­bo­ra­tive research networ­king call on the theme : Inte­grated Approaches to Human Migration/​Mobility in an Era of Rapid Global Change.

We solicit propo­sals that contri­bute to an inte­grated systems approach to accu­ra­tely charac­te­rize migra­tion and mobi­lity and its inter­sec­tion with Global Change, both closely related and inter­sec­ting pheno­mena. Successful propo­sals will focus on illu­mi­na­ting the deter­mi­nants of migra­tion – why people move, do not move, from and to where and when, and on what time scale, in rela­tion to Global Change processes like envi­ron­mental and climate change, demo­gra­phic changes, consump­tion patterns, energy use and land-use. Explo­ra­tion of depen­den­cies, linkages, and /​or impacts between Global Change, migra­tion and mobi­lity, human constructs, social science and huma­ni­ties approaches, and other studies are encou­raged. Within this theme, there are three areas to consider inclu­ding (1) data and metho­do­logy, (2) policy, and (3) human-centric approaches that inte­grate human pers­pec­tives and needs in all steps and aspects of a project and beyond.

Call themes :

  • Area 1 – synthe­si­zing, inte­gra­ting, and supple­men­ting data and models
  • Area 2 – inte­gra­tive gover­nance and legal and policy frameworks
  • Area 3 – human-centric approaches to studying and inte­gra­ting data and frame­works on vulne­rable communities

Details of the call and the appli­ca­tion process are provided via the appli­ca­tion portal https://​bfgo​.org. There are also trai­ning modules avai­lable for propo­sers on the Belmont Forum YouTube channel. Before star­ting to prepare propo­sals, appli­cants are advised to contact their funding organisation(s) as listed in the annex docu­ments for the call.


Down­load the call for projets in English

Refe­rence page