AAC/​CONF : Workshop : “New data and methods for migration studies : going beyond traditional data sources”, Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th of October 2022, PSE and CI Migration — LIMITE : 15/​08/​2022


The Paris School of Econo­mics, SoBig­Data++ consor­tium, HumMing­Bird consor­tium and the French Colla­bo­ra­tive Insti­tute on Migra­tion are jointly orga­ni­sing a two-day work­shop aimed at brin­ging toge­ther migra­tion scho­lars from various disci­plines from these insti­tu­tions and beyond. The confe­rence is devoted to inves­ti­ga­ting and show­ca­sing new methods to study human migra­tion based on non-tradi­tional data sources and methods.

Possible topics include :

  • unders­tan­ding and esti­ma­ting migra­tion flows and stocks using non-tradi­tional and big data sources (e.g. nowcas­ting flows using social media or mobile phone data, visua­li­sa­tion, analysis, and predic­tion of flows, inclu­ding for specific domains such as scien­tific, labour, refugee, and seasonal migration);
  • studying the connec­tion between policy changes and migra­tion using new data analy­tics ; unders­tan­ding atti­tudes towards migrants and migrants’ inte­gra­tion (e.g. using senti­ment analysis, discourse type and media portraying of migrants, pola­ri­sa­tion of the discourse with respect to human migra­tion, etc.);
  • ethics of big data in the context of human migration.

Orga­ni­sing and scien­tific committee

Hillel Rapo­port (Paris School of Econo­mics, CI Migra­tion fellow), Tuba Bircan (Vrije Univer­si­teit Brussel), Alina Sirbu (Univer­sity of Pisa), and Jerome Valette (Univer­sity Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, CI Migra­tion fellow), Donia Kamel (Paris School of Economics).

Keynote spea­kers

Prof. Joshua Blumenstock
Dr. Joshua Blumen­stock is a Chancellor’s Asso­ciate Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Infor­ma­tion and the Goldman School of Public Policy. He is the Co-director of the Global Policy Lab and the Center for Effec­tive Global Action. Blumen­stock does research at the inter­sec­tion of machine lear­ning and empi­rical econo­mics and focuses on using novel data and methods to unders­tand the causes and conse­quences of global poverty and to improve the lives of disad­van­taged people around the world. He has a PhD in Infor­ma­tion Science and a MA in Econo­mics from UC Berkeley, and Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Physics from Wesleyan Univer­sity. He is a reci­pient of awards inclu­ding the NSF CAREER award, the Intel Faculty Early Career Honor, and the UC Berkeley Chan­cel­lor’s Award for Public Service. His work has appeared in general interest jour­nals inclu­ding Science, Nature, and Procee­dings of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as top econo­mics jour­nals (e.g., the American Economic Review) and computer science confe­rences (e.g., ICML, KDD, AAAI, WWW, CHI).

Prof. Katia Zhuravskaya
Prof. is a Professor of Econo­mics at the Paris School of Econo­mics and EHESS and the Director of Studies at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences. Her research focuses on empi­rical poli­tical econo­mics and the econo­mics of the media. In recent years, she has studied factors that make ethnic diver­sity impor­tant for conflict and economic deve­lop­ment, inclu­ding the impact of forced mass move­ments of ethnic groups in Eastern Europe and from Eastern Europe to Central Asia during WWII, the impact of ethnic occu­pa­tional segre­ga­tion on ethnic tensions in the context of histo­rical anti-Jewish violence in Europe, and the impact of poli­tical mani­pu­la­tion on ethnic conflict in Central Asia. She has also publi­shed research in an array of different microe­co­nomic and macroe­co­nomic disci­plines. Here is a short list from her CV : Fiscal Fede­ra­lism, arbi­trage in the stock market, tax arrears in Russia concer­ning liqui­dity and federal redis­tri­bu­tion, entre­pre­neurs in Russia, reli­gions in Russia, Chinese entre­pre­neurs, bias in Russian commer­cial courts, decen­tra­li­sa­tion and poli­tical insti­tu­tions, revi­sion to priva­ti­sa­tion in socia­list regimes, the media and poli­tical persua­sion, forced migra­tion, and the effects of social media on politics.

Dr. Petra Molnar
Petra Molnar is a lawyer and resear­cher specia­li­sing in tech­no­logy, migra­tion, and human rights. She is currently working with EDRi, Homo Digi­talis, and other partner orga­ni­sa­tions on a project looking at the impacts of migra­tion control tech­no­lo­gies on the lives of people on the move, funded by the Mozilla and Ford Foun­da­tions. Petra also works on issues around immi­gra­tion deten­tion, health and human rights, gender-based violence, the poli­tics of refu­gees, immi­gra­tion, and inter­na­tional law. Her work has appeared in nume­rous academic publi­ca­tions and the popular press, inclu­ding the New York Times. Petra is also the co-author of ‘Bots at the Gate’, an inter­na­tio­nally reco­gnised report on the human rights impacts of auto­mated deci­sion-making in immi­gra­tion and refugee systems. She holds a Master of Arts in Anthro­po­logy from York Univer­sity, a Juris Docto­rate from the Univer­sity of Toronto, and an LL.M in Inter­na­tional Law from the Univer­sity of Cambridge.

Call for papers

Submis­sion guide­lines and timetable

Extended abstracts or full papers of unpu­bli­shed work should be submitted by 15 August 2022.
Abstracts should be submitted through Easy­char link.
Deci­sions are expected to be commu­ni­cated by 30 August 2022.


Tuba Bircan

Refe­rence page