CONF : Migration, Trade, and Human Development – Rethinking Global Inequalities – 14 & 15 mars, SciencesPo

Confe­rence orga­nized by James Holli­field, 2021–2022 Paris IAS Research Fellow, Director of the Tower Center at SMU, as part of the Owens Foun­da­tion, with the support of Sciences Po CERI, the Conver­gences Migra­tions Insti­tute, and the Paris Insti­tute for Advanced Study.

14–15 March 2022

Conve­ners :
Flore Gubert, IRD, FMSH
James F. Holli­field, Ora Nixon Arnold Professor of Inter­na­tional Poli­tical Economy ; Fellow, IEA, and Director, Tower Center, SMU
Pia Orre­nius, Senior Econo­mist and Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Thomas Osang, Asso­ciate Professor of Econo­mics, SMU
Hélène Thiollet, Research Fellow, CNRS CERI Sciences Po

The annual Jno E. Owens Fund Confe­rence, spon­sored by the Tower Center at SMU and this year by the Institut d’Etudes Avan­cées de Paris, will examine the complex rela­tion­ship between migra­tion, and economic and human deve­lop­ment, paying special atten­tion to :

1. Migra­tion, trade and inter­na­tional invest­ment dyna­mics with an eye to explai­ning their impact on human deve­lop­ment and global inequalities ;

2. How migra­tion and asylum-seeking affect inequa­li­ties in human capital and deve­lop­ment, notably in skill levels, capital accu­mu­la­tion, health, and wealth gene­ra­tion (via finan­cial and imma­te­rial remit­tances) across sending and recei­ving coun­tries and regions ;

3. How migra­tion and asylum-seeking affect and are affected by the envi­ron­ment-deve­lop­ment nexus : unders­tan­ding forced migra­tion, human displa­ce­ment, and migra­tion-related inequa­li­ties across the natural and built-in environment ;

4. How inequa­li­ties affect and are affected by migra­tion and socio-poli­tical trans­for­ma­tions (diaspora poli­tics, state buil­ding, poli­tical and social remittances).


Programme (égale­ment dispo­nible ici)

DAY 1 : 14 March (Sciences Po/​CERI, 56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris)

WELCOME 9:15 – 9:30
James F. Holli­field, Ora Nixon Arnold Professor of Inter­na­tional Poli­tical Economy ; Fellow, IEA, and Director, Tower Center, SMU
Simon Luck, Scien­tific Director of Paris IAS
Hélène Thiollet, Research Fellow, CNRS CERI Sciences Po

PANEL 1 : 9:30 – 12:00
Migra­tion, trade and inter­na­tional invest­ment dyna­mics, inclu­ding remit­tances : unders­tan­ding deve­lop­ment and global inequa­li­ties at various levels

Chair : Flore Gubert, IRD and MSH

Discus­sant : Jason Gagnon, OECD

Hillel Rapo­port, Paris School of Economics
Raymond Robertson, Texas A&M University
Claudia Masferrer, Colegio de México
Daniel Naujoks, Columbia University

PANEL 2 : 14:30 – 17:00
Migra­tion and global inequa­li­ties in human capital and deve­lop­ment : skill levels, capital accu­mu­la­tion, health, and wealth gene­ra­tion across sending and recei­ving coun­tries and regions

Chair : Annabel Degrés Du Loû, IRD/​CEPED/​ICM

Discus­sant : Pia Orre­nius, Dallas Fed and SMU

Peggy Levitt, Wellesley College
Raúl Delgado Wise, Auto­no­mous Univer­sity of Zacatecas
Jackie Wahba, Univer­sity of Southampton
Uwe Hunger, Univer­sität Fulda
Pamela Surkan, Johns Hopkins and IEA, and Paul Emmel­kampf, Univer­sity of Amsterdam and IEA



DAY 2/​15 March (Sciences Po/​CERI, & Paris Insti­tute for Advanced Study)

PANEL 3 : 9:30 – 12:00
Forced migra­tion, displa­ce­ment, and the envi­ron­ment-deve­lop­ment nexus

Chair : Lisa Chauvet, Paris1

Discus­sant : David Kantner, NYU and IEA

Fran­cesco Fasani, Queen Mary Univer­sity London
Mala­bika Sarker, Brac Univer­sity, Bangladesh
Cris­tina Cattaneo, CMCC, Milano, Italy
Fran­çois Gemenne, Univer­sity of Liège

PANEL 4 : 13:30 – 16:00
Migra­tion and socio-poli­tical transformations

Chair : James F. Holli­field, Ora Nixon Arnold Professor of Inter­na­tional Poli­tical Economy ; Fellow, IEA, and Director, Tower Center, SMU

Discus­sant : Hélène Thiollet, Research Fellow, CNRS CERI Sciences Po

Hein de Haas, Univer­sity of Amsterdam
Elieth Eyebiyi, DHI CREPOS Sénégal and IEA
Geral­dine Asiwome Adiku, Univer­sity of Ghana
Brenda Yeoh Saw Ai, National Univer­sity of Singapore

Final Debate/​Roundtable AT INSTITUT D’ETUDES AVANCÉES DE PARIS, 17 quai d’Anjou, 75004 Paris) 17:00 – 18:30
Migra­tion and Inequa­lity mode­rated by Flore Gubert, Jim Holli­field, and Hélène Thiollet

Mirna Safi, OSC/​Sciences Po
Fran­çois Héran, Collège de France/​ICM
Jason Gagnon, OECD
Yeoh Saw Ai, Brenda, National Univer­sity of Singapore