L’ICM accueille Ferruccio Pastore

Dans le cadre du programme d’ac­cueil de cher­cheurs inter­na­tio­naux déve­loppé par l’Ins­titut Conver­gences Migra­tions, le dépar­te­ment Policy reçoit Ferruccio Pastore, direc­teur du FIERI (Forum of Inter­na­tional and Euro­pean Research on Immi­gra­tion), basé à Turin.
Il inter­viendra le lundi 29 novembre 2021 à 15h30 (salle 3.05 au troi­sième étage du Centre de Colloques, Campus Condorcet), lors du cours de Camille Schmoll « Géogra­phies des migra­tions » pour une confé­rence inti­tulée « The Geopo­li­ti­ci­sa­tion of Migra­tion Poli­cies in and around Europe ». En raison du nombre limité de places (25 pers.), nous mettons à dispo­si­tion une retrans­mis­sion via ce lien.


The Geopo­li­ti­ci­sa­tion of Migra­tion Poli­cies in and around Europe
Follo­wing increa­sing diffi­cul­ties by Euro­pean poli­ties to cope with unplanned migrant arri­vals, since two decades at least the “external », preemp­tive dimen­sion of migra­tion poli­cies has been gaining stra­tegic salience. While in an early phase, this shift was mainly the result of targeted “exter­na­li­sa­tion” initia­tives taken by Euro­pean “desti­na­tion states”, in the last years (with 2015 as a turning point) “sending” and “transit states” neigh­bou­ring the EU have been deploying growing geopo­li­tical agency by proac­ti­vely “weapo­ni­sing” migrants and refu­gees. The seminar will analyse this shift within a long-term trend towards “geopo­li­ti­ci­sa­tion” of migra­tion policies.


Ferruccio Pastore is the Director of FIERI (Forum of Inter­na­tional and Euro­pean Research on Immi­gra­tion), one of the leading Italian research insti­tutes on migra­tion. After a PhD in Law at the Euro­pean Univer­sity Insti­tute, he has been a post-doctoral fellow at the Univer­sity of Firenze and Deputy Director at the inter­na­tional rela­tions and Euro­pean studies think-tank CeSPI, in Rome. Besides research, Ferruccio has worked as an adviser for Italian insti­tu­tions and inter­na­tional orga­ni­sa­tions. He has publi­shed exten­si­vely on migra­tion poli­cies and politics.