PUBLI : Lorenzo Barrault-Stella et Thomas Douniès (Dir.), Dossier « Citizenship as a Tool of Government in Europe », Politics & Policy, vol. 49, n° 4, 2021


The state parti­ci­pates in shaping and trans­mit­ting citi­zen­ship. From a Euro­pean outlook, this special Issue of Poli­tics & Policy focuses on the role of public policy, accor­ding to a compa­ra­tive and multi­sec­to­rial pers­pec­tive. The special Issue origi­nated in a Panel held on September 4, 2019 at the Euro­pean Consor­tium of Poli­tical Resear­ch’s General Confe­rence, at the Univer­sity of Wroclaw, Poland. The articles in this special Issue draw from a plura­lity of methods, from socio­his­tory to policy ethno­graphy, and analyze how the state, in the concrete concep­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of its action, is a producer of social cate­go­ri­za­tions deter­mi­ning the legi­ti­mate contours of citi­zen­ship. Alto­ge­ther, the case studies in this issue allow us to scru­ti­nize the govern­ment of and by citi­zen­ship, meanw­hile iden­ti­fying discre­pan­cies and inva­riants in Europe.

Refe­rence page