PUBLI : Catherine Brice (dir.), Exile and the Circulation of Political Practices, Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2020


During the 18th century, visi­tors would come and attend the British Parlia­ment sessions in order to unders­tand how a repre­sen­ta­tive assembly could tech­ni­cally func­tion, because poli­tics is not only about ideas, but also a lot about prac­tices and tech­niques. A great deal has been written on the circu­la­tion of poli­tical ideas during the 19th century, and on the part played by exiles, refu­gees and mili­tary volun­teers in this intel­lec­tual mobi­lity. However, less is known of what consti­tutes, in the end, poli­tics : not only ideas, but prac­tices, the mate­rial imple­men­ta­tion of poli­tics. How does one debate, vote, or demons­trate ? What is poli­tical repre­sen­ta­tion ? How does one “start” a poli­tical party, and run it ? All the poli­tical engi­nee­ring, of the 19th century, the period of the birth of modern poli­tics, has been the result of an intense circu­la­tion of exiles, which, along with brin­ging in new ideas, borrowed new ways of “making poli­tics”. This is what this book contem­plates through a wide range of examples showing how exile turned out to be, during the century of the revo­lu­tions, the labo­ra­tory of a new poli­tical grammar and of poli­tical prac­tices resul­ting in the cross-ferti­li­za­tion between host coun­tries and exiled communities.


  • Cathe­rine Brice (Univer­sité Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, Centre de
    Recherche en histoire euro­péenne comparée (CRHEC))
1 : Global Repertoires of Collective Action in Exile
  • Christos Aliprantis (Euro­pean Univer­sity Insti­tute, Florence) : Foreign Poli­tical Refu­gees, Bureau­cratic Controls and Cultures of Surveillance in the Kingdom of Greece, 1833–1862
  • Elena Bacchin (Univer­sità degli Studi di Padova) : Britain as a Setting for the Poli­tical Appren­ti­ce­ship of Italian Exiles : The case of Aurelio Saffi .

2 : Speaking Out and Conspiring
  • Camille Creyghton (Utrecht Univer­sity) : Clai­ming the Right to Speak : The Use of Toasts, Addresses and Other Forms of Public Speech in Exile Poli­tics, London and Paris, 1830–1848
  • Romy Sanchez (CNRS, France) : Specific Ways of Spea­king Out from Exile :
    The Case of Cuban Sepa­ra­tists Abroad, 1840–1880
  • Ignazio Veca (Univer­sità di Pisa) : Prea­ching in Exile : Three Cases of Oratory as Poli­tical Prac­tice in the Italian Diaspora
  • Paolo Conte (Resear­cher at Univer­sity of Basi­li­cata) : An anti-French conspi­racy among Neapo­litan Exiles in Paris during the Consu­late : Prince Pignatelli’s attempt to “Deliver the Kingdom of Naples to the English Government”
3 : Organizations
  • Edward Blumen­thal, (Univer­sité Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3) : Publi­shing, Profes­sio­na­li­za­tion and the Prac­tice of Exile in Chile
  • Alexandre Dupont (Univer­sité de Stras­bourg) : The Poli­tical Struc­tures of Carlism in Exile (1870s)
  • Ignacio Garcia de Paso (Euro­pean Univer­sity Insti­tute, Florence) : The Iberian Demo­cratic Club : Exile, Nation and Repu­bli­ca­nism in 1848
  • Fran­cesco Pongi­luppi (La Sapienza Univer­sity of Rome) : The Foun­da­tion of the Italian Worker Mutual Aid Society in Constan­ti­nople : Exile and trans­na­tional mutualism
4 : Political Cultures in Exile
  • Pierre-Marie Delpu (Casa de Veláz­quez – Ecole des Hautes Etudes
    Hispa­niques et Ibériques) : Expor­ting the Cult of Martyrs to Lands of Exile : The commu­ni­ties of bani­shed Italians in France and Pied­mont-Sardinia in the early 1850s
  • Heléna Tóth (Bamberg Univer­sity) : The Radial Avenue : Gyula Andrássy and the Poli­tics of Architecture