PUBLI : Akaninyene Otu, Carlo Handy Charles et Sanni Yaya, « Mental health and psychosocial well‑being during the COVID‑19 pandemic : the invisible elephant in the room », International Journal of Mental Health Systems, vol.14, n°38, 2020


The novel SARS-CoV‑2 coro­na­virus pandemic has emerged as a truly formi­dable threat to humankind’s exis­tence. In the wake of the massi­vely vola­tile global situa­tion created by COVID-19, it is vital to reco­gnize that the trauma it causes can affect people in different ways, at the indi­vi­dual and collec­tive levels, resul­ting in mental health chal­lenges for many. Although mental health problems account for about one-third of the world’s disa­bi­lity among adults, these issues tend to be under-addressed and over­looked in society and are closely asso­ciated with deadly disease outbreaks. In large scale outbreaks, the mental health problems expe­rienced are not limited to infected persons but also extend to involve front­line health workers and commu­nity members alike. While it is crucial to limit the spread of infec­tions during an outbreak, previous expe­rience suggests that mental and beha­vioural health inter­ven­tions should be fully included in public health response strategies.

Keywords : Mental Health, Psycho­so­cial well-being, Covid-19, Pandemic, Outbreak, Health inequalities


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