PUBLI : Yue Liu et Simeng Wang (dir.), Chinese Immigrants in Europe Image, Identity and Social Participation, Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, coll. « Chinese-Western Discourse », 2020, 236 p.

We are living in a world in which the visible and invi­sible borders between nations are being shaken at an unpre­ce­dented pace. We are expe­rien­cing a wave of inter­na­tional migra­tion, and the diver­sity of migrants – in terms of how they iden­tify, their external and self-image, and their parti­ci­pa­tion in society – is increa­singly noti­ceable. After the intro­duc­tion of the Reform and Opening Up policy, over 10 million migrants left China, with Europe the main desti­na­tion for Chinese emigra­tion after 1978. This volume provides multi­dis­ci­pli­nary answers to open ques­tions : How and to what extent do Chinese immi­grants parti­ci­pate in their host socie­ties ? What kind of impact is the increa­sing number of highly quali­fied immi­grants from China having on the deve­lop­ment and percep­tion of over­seas Chinese commu­ni­ties in Europe ? How is the deve­lop­ment of Chinese iden­tity trans­for­ming in rela­tion to gene­ra­tional change ? By focu­sing on two key Euro­pean coun­tries, Germany and France, this volume makes a topical contri­bu­tion to research on (new) Chinese immi­grants in Europe.

Page de réfé­rence : https://​www​.degruyter​.com/​v​i​e​w​/​t​i​t​l​e​/​5​4​0​7​0​8​?​f​o​r​m​a​t​=​G​&​t​a​b​_​b​o​d​y​=​o​v​erview