PUBLI : Elsa Tyszler, « The Performative Effects of the European War on Migrants : Masculinities and Femininities at the Moroccan-Spanish Border », Gender a výzkum /​Gender and Research, vol. 20, n°1, p. 40–66

ISBN ou DOI : http://​dx​.doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​3​0​6​0​/​2​5​7​0​6​5​7​8​.​2​0​1​9​.​2​0​.1.462
Page de réfé­rence :‑1–2019-contested-borders-transnational-migration-and-gender/562


This article ethno­gra­phi­cally explores how Central and West African mascu­li­ni­ties and femi­ni­ni­ties are shaped and reshaped at the Moroccan-Spanish border in the context of the increased secu­ri­ti­sa­tion and poli­ti­ci­sa­tion of migra­tions from the global South to the global North. Apart from the migra­tion regime at the outer border of the Euro­pean Union, it also examines the role of the huma­ni­ta­rian regime in poli­cing black migrants’ gender iden­ti­ties. It aims to address an impor­tant aspect of the mobi­lity expe­riences and borde­ring effects that tends to go under-resear­ched. Drawing on long-term field­work, which was carried out between 2015 and 2017, it presents detailed ethno­gra­phic examples of the construc­tion of mascu­li­ni­ties and femi­ni­ni­ties at the border and asks how these work to help or prevent mobi­lity. Analysis of the inter­sec­tions of the gender regime and the racia­lised migra­tory regime reveals the colo­nia­lity of secu­rity migra­tion policies.

Keywords : borders, femi­ni­ni­ties, mascu­li­ni­ties, migra­tion poli­cies, violence