Larisa Viridiana Lara-Guerrero, « Transnacionalismo político desde Bélgica : movimientos sociales organizados por activistas mexicanas », Movimentos. Revista Mexicana de estudios de los movimentos sociales, vol. 3 n° 1 (2019),

  • Titre : « Trans­na­cio­na­lismo político desde Bélgica : movi­mientos sociales orga­ni­zados por acti­vistas mexicanas »
  • Auteure : Larisa Viri­diana Lara-Guerrero
  • Revue : Movi­mentos. Revista Mexi­cana de estu­dios de los movi­mentos sociales
  • Langue : espagnol
  • Page de réfé­rence : ici


This essay aims at deepe­ning the study of poli­tical trans­na­tio­na­lism. In parti­cular, this article analyses the impli­ca­tions and role of women in the forma­tion, struc­ture and disse­mi­na­tion of extra­ter­ri­to­rial social and poli­tical move­ments. Based on empi­rical data, this essay presents an original typo­logy that high­lights the type of mobi­li­za­tion stra­te­gies deployed by Mexican migrants living in Belgium. In conclu­sion, it is esta­bli­shed that the mobi­li­za­tion of Mexican women living abroad depends on their percep­tion of inse­cu­rity and the national context of their country of origin ; the avai­lable poli­tical oppor­tu­ni­ties they find abroad ; the poli­tical remit­tances and flows of infor­ma­tion that they main­tain with the Mexican society ; and finally, their skills and
abili­ties to navi­gate between two social, economic and poli­tical contex