Part of the CI Migration funding is allocated through calls for projects or applications. They are evaluated on a peer-review basis with the participation of international experts.
Financing explorative research projects
15 000 to 30 000 euros can be granted for a period of three years in order to encourage scientific cooperation between the different CI Migration’s departments. The projects will gather research teams from various disciplines as well as include diverse partnerships. The leader and the majority of team have to be CI Migration fellows.
Individual supporting funds
IC Migration fellows may request financial support from the Institute to expand and promote their scientific activity :
- Incoming mobility (inviting foreign colleagues);
- Outtgoing mobility (travelling abroad for research);
- Participating to international conferences ;
- Co-financing of translation and proofreading of scientific articles for publication in an international journal ;
- Co-financing of scientific events.
Doctoral grants
Every year, the CI Migration funds doctoral and writing thesis grants.
Fellows may find the Institute’s vademecum below. It sets out the structure and organisation of the Institute : the fellowship status, the Institute’s stakeholders, the research coordination procedures, the funding schemes, the academic branch (Master’s Degree), the communication, the use of the affiliation, the commitments related to the Institute and the provisional agenda.
In addition, there is an Institute vademecum dedicated to the welcoming of international fellows. It outlines the French Collaborative Institute on Migration’s initiative, as well as the terms and conditions of stay at the Institute.
As a fellow, you are encouraged to mention your membership and use the CI Migration logo when animating events or publishing work.
Please make the CI Migration aware of the latter by contacting the Scientific activities and Communication Manager or your department’s Scientific Coordinator of your department (see listed contacts).
These labels are not exclusive and can be combined with other memberships.
How to cite the Institute in French and English
Full name : Institut Convergences Migrations
Acronym : IC Migrations
Full name : French Collaborative Institute on Migrations
Acronym : CI Migration
Mentioning a CI Migration’s fellowship
In your signature
In French : « affilié à l’IC Migrations (2018–2021) »
In English : « CI Migration fellow (2018–2021) »
In published work
In French : Institut Convergences Migrations
In English : French Collaborative Institute on Migration
How to mention a project with or without financing
When funded (compulsory)
All publications, articles, books, conferences, co-editions, translations, etc., and/or communication of funded research, may it be partially or entirely funded by the CI Migration, are required to bear the following mention :
in French : « Ce travail a bénéficié du soutien financier de l’Institut Convergences Migrations porté par le CNRS, portant la référence ANR-17-CONV-0001 »
in English : « This work benefitted from the financial support of the French Collaborative Institute on Migration, coordinated by the CNRS under the reference ANR-17-CONV-0001 »
Such reference will either be included in a footnote and referenced by an asterisk if the funded project leads to an article or next to the legal deposit if the funded project is further developed into books. With respect to other materials (such as exhibitions, leaflets, unregistered publications, etc), the terms and conditions will be mutually agreed on by the CI Migration and the project leader.
Without funding (discretionary)
Any publications, articles, books, conferences, co-editions, translations, etc., and/or communication from one or more members of the CI Migration that has not been directly funded yet is relevant to the CI Migration may include the following mention :
in French : « Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre de l’Institut Convergences Migrations »
in English : « This work was conducted within the framework of the French Collaborative Institute on Migration »
The use of CI Migrations and Investissements d’Avenir logos
If the CI Migration co-funds an event, a publication or any further activity, using the CI Migration and Investissements d’Avenir’s logos is mandatory as follows :
As a fellow, you are welcome to use the CI Migration’s logo for any event, publication or activity, even if not funded by the CI Migration (provided that other funders have agreed). The standard logo should be used without mentioning « Investissements d’Avenir ». To ensure consistency, it is advisable to inform the CI Migration of the use of this logo.