
The French Colla­bo­ra­tive Insti­tute on Migra­tion (CIMi­gra­tion) is a unique research program in France that asso­ciates social sciences, huma­ni­ties and health sciences in the field of migra­tion studies. The Insti­tute, headed by Professor Fran­çois Héran (Collège de France) is currently orga­nized in 5 depart­ments gathe­ring almost 400 resear­chers from (mostly) French and inter­na­tional univer­si­ties. All disci­plines, research methods and case studies are repre­sented in the work of the fellows. Toge­ther, the fellows study migra­tion —unders­tood in a broad meaning- without time or space limit to capture today’s migra­tion high­lights. The CIMi­gra­tion regu­larly orga­nizes seminar, scien­tific events, publi­shing acti­vi­ties and funds emer­ging projects and PhD grants. It has also deve­loped its own Master degree program. The Insti­tute fosters a dialogue between science and society thanks to part­ner­ships with civil society stake­hol­ders. Research deve­loped at the Insti­tute reso­nates with global academic interest on the topic of migration.

The objec­tive of the first inter­na­tional confe­rence of the CIMi­gra­tion is to stimu­late a dialogue between the research led by the fellows and inter­na­tional research hots­pots. The confe­rence provides a focused entry points for debates along five cutting-edge topics in migra­tion studies : welco­ming poli­cies elabo­rated by cities ; the nexus between migra­tion and climate change ; discri­mi­na­tions in the access to heal­th­care systems ; situa­tions of migra­tion in past and colo­nial empires, and confron­ting assi­mi­la­tion theo­ries to ethnic and racial research.

The confe­rence will be held online in English. Each 2 hours panel is composed of a keynote speech by an inter­na­tional scholar and 2–3 presen­ta­tions by fellows from the Insti­tute, followed by a Q&A moment. Tech­nical details will be trans­ferred to panel­lists later on.

Thursday 6th May 
Friday 7th May 
Last news 

ICM2-2021 Programme 253 Ko

ICM2-2021 Poster A3 295 Ko