Work-package 1

Media discourses on ‘migration crises’ across contexts

Contexte & Objectives

How did the media construct “migra­tion crises” in France, Iran, Italy, Poland, Turkey, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) from the early 2000s until the war in Ukraine ?

This work-package compares the emer­gence or absence of “migra­tion crises” discourses across contexts, and test the rela­tion­ship between discourses and migra­tion and asylum flows. We inves­ti­gate poli­tical pola­ri­sa­tion in the media explo­ring how conser­va­tive and liberal media frame different crises differently.

We dive in further in the analysis of crisis discourses. We compare short-lived peaks of media atten­tion to slow-burning crises in longer media cycles. We probe the geogra­phical imagi­na­tions at work in media discourses, notably the Euro­pean imagi­na­ries in the Ukrai­nian refugee crisis. We focus on “critical spaces” (e.g. borders, seas, walls, forests, islands, etc.) where migra­tion crises are idea­tio­nally located and on specific groups of migrants defined by national, regional, ethnic or cultural characteristics.

The project combines quan­ti­ta­tive and quali­ta­tive methods and brings toge­ther poli­tical scien­tists, econo­mists, and geogra­phers in part­ner­ship with the Atelier de Carto­gra­phie at Sciences Po and Desinfox Migra­tions.

Research team

Hélène Thiollet (CNRS CERI Sciences Po) – Fellow ICM Prin­cipal Investigator
Etienne Toureille (Univer­sité de Rouen)
Kaja Skowrońska (Univer­sité de Tours) – Fellow ICM
Michelle Reddy (UC Berkeley)
Bayram Balci (CNRS CERI Sciences Po)
Solène Poyraz (IFEA)
Thomas Lacroix (CNRS CERI Sciences Po) – Fellow ICM
Marie Moncada (CEE BRIDGES project) – Fellow ICM
Virginie Guiraudon (CNRS CEE Sciences Po) – Fellow ICM
Romain Leconte (ENS-univer­sité paris)
Filip Savatic (CERI Sciences Po MAGYC project) – Fellow ICM
Jean-Philippe Cointet (MEDIALAB Sciences po)
Katha­rina Tittel (MEDIALAB Sciences po) – Fellow ICM
Amin Moghadam (Metro­po­litan Univer­sity of Toronto) – Fellow ICM
Ferruccio Pastore (FIERI, TURIN) – Inter­na­tional Fellow ICM
Katha­rina Natter (Leiden university)
Juliette Tolay (Penn State Harrisburg)


Atelier de Carto­gra­phie, Sciences Po (Patrice Mitrano)

Desinfox Migra­tions (Mélodie Beaujeu)


Stage-données textuel­les2023-2024 Stage-données-spatiales2023-2024← Retour à la page DIMIG