Republishing and copyrights guidelines

We value the free flow of infor­ma­tion, there­fore we publish under a Crea­tive Commons — Attribution/​No deri­va­tives license. Accor­dingly, you can repu­blish our articles online or in print for free, provided you follow these guidelines.

Repu­bli­shing guide­lines, for print and online

  • You can’t edit our mate­rial, except to reflect rela­tive changes in time, loca­tion and edito­rial style. If you do wish to make mate­rial edits, you will need to run them by the author for approval prior to publi­ca­tion. To contact them, write to the following address : defacto@​icmigrations.​fr
  • You have to credit authors, ideally in the byline.
  • The credit “Article publi­shed in De facto, CI Migration’s revue” (https://​www​.icmi​gra​tions​.cnrs​.fr/​e​n​/​d​e​facto/). Prefe­rably, credit us at the top of the article and include our logo (avai­lable below).
  • Vidéos from the CI Migration’s youtube channel used on your website must be entered using the code provided by Youtube.
  • You can’t sell our mate­rial sepa­ra­tely, but you can put our articles on pages with ads.
  • You have to confirm you’re licensed to repu­blish images in our articles. Some images, such as those from commer­cial provi­ders, don’t allow their images to be repu­bli­shed without permis­sion or payment. Copy­right terms are gene­rally listed in the image caption and attri­bu­tion. You are welcome to omit our images or substi­tute them with your own.
  • You can’t syste­ma­ti­cally repu­blish all of our articles, nor frame the content of our site.
  • If your site is fully subscrip­tion-based, you may not repu­blish our articles.
  • If your website has a paywall, the repu­bli­ca­tions –in their enti­rety– must be offered on the free access part of your site.

Special cases

  • Extracts : you can run the first few lines or para­graphs of the article and then say : “Read the full article on De facto | CI Migra­tion.” with a link back to the article.
  • Quotes : you can quote authors provided you include a link back to the article URL.
  • Trans­la­tions : are tech­ni­cally a deri­va­tive under our crea­tive commons license and so require author approval. Many authors will give approval in good faith. To contact them, write to the following address : defacto@​icmigrations.​fr
  • Edits : if you wish to make mate­rial edits, you will need to run them by the author for approval prior to publi­ca­tion. To contact them, write to the following address : defacto@​icmigrations.​fr
  • Signed consent/​copyright release forms : are not required, provi­ding you are follo­wing these guidelines.
  • Print : articles can be publi­shed in print under these same rules. It would be appre­ciated if you would send an image of the repu­bli­shed article to defacto@​icmigrations.​fr so that we can share it with the author.
  • Podcast and video : Content from the CI Migration’s youtube/​Spotify/​Apple Podcasts/​Google Podcasts are also covered by crea­tive commons and the same attri­bu­tion requi­re­ments apply.

De facto logo

You can down­load the high-reso­lu­tion logo here :