PUBLI : Sylvain Beck (dir.), Expatriation and Migration : Two Faces of the Same Coin Leyde, Brill Editions, 2022


Why are some people free to move around the world while others are constrained for cros­sing borders ? This book chal­lenges this crucial injus­tice that creates inequa­li­ties in the face of global issues such as climate change, wars, diseases and other local risk factors. The main theme of this collec­tive work is to consider the repre­sen­ta­tion of human displa­ce­ment as a moral barrier between expa­triates and migrants, with the former being seen as ”unpro­ble­matic” and ”desi­rable” while the latter is portrayed as ”proble­matic” and ”unde­si­rable”. Surveys show that this binary cate­go­ri­za­tion subsists on at least four conti­nents, stig­ma­ti­zing different cate­go­ries of people.

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