CONF : WHO Global School. « Capacity-building : human resources for refugee and migrant health » ― 28th of November to 2nd of Decembre 2022, online

Third WHO Global School on Refugee and Migrant Health

28 November – 2 December 2022 

Virtual, On Zoom, Web-streamed from Bangladesh

Refu­gees and migrants have health rights and needs, requi­ring cultu­rally sensi­tive and effec­tive care that reco­gnizes both the impact of migra­tion on physical and mental health and the various barriers hampe­ring the avai­la­bi­lity, acces­si­bi­lity, accep­ta­bi­lity, and affor­da­bi­lity of health services for these populations.

The health work­force has a vital role in provi­ding people-centred health services and buil­ding health system capa­city to respond to the health rights and needs of refu­gees and migrants.

Reco­gni­zing the impor­tance of promo­ting specific profes­sional compe­tence and capa­city to adequa­tely address refugee and migrant health issues, WHO is orga­ni­zing the third edition of the Global School on Refugee and Migrant Health, this year with a focus on capacity-building.

The School will be held online from 28 November to 2 December 2022 with the theme “Capa­city-buil­ding : human resources for refugee and migrant health”. It will be an e‑learning event hosted by the Ministry of Health of Bangla­desh and web-streamed world­wide from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The 5‑day event will feature high-level keynote speeches, live panel discus­sions with multi­dis­ci­pli­nary stake­hol­ders, Ques­tion and Answer sessions, and a series of video repor­tage produced by regional and country offices as well as WHO Colla­bo­ra­ting Centres to share expe­riences on health and migra­tion from the ground.

Held every year, the School aims to support coun­tries and terri­to­ries to build compe­tency on the public health aspects of migra­tion and promote the deve­lop­ment and disse­mi­na­tion of know­ledge, atti­tude and prac­tices based on the exchange of expe­riences and evidence.


The third edition of the School will feature five modules deli­vered over five conse­cu­tive days from Monday 28 November to Friday 2 December 2022, every day from 16:00 to 17:30 Dhaka time (time zone converter), except for day one (28 November), when the event will start at 15:40 Dhaka time. Each module will be dedi­cated to one specific thematic area as follows :

  • Day 1 : health systems
  • Day 2 : gender
  • Day 3 : health services
  • Day 4 : Universities
  • Day 5 : the need for inter­na­tional collaboration

The booklet with detailed agenda of the School and spea­kers” biogra­phies is avai­lable here.


The event is free. The main target audience is policy-makers, health sector mana­gers and offi­cers working at different levels within minis­tries, resear­chers, repre­sen­ta­tives of non-govern­mental orga­ni­za­tions, univer­sity students from different disci­plines, youth representatives.

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