PUBLI : Francesco Della Puppa and Fabio Perocco (Guest Eds.), « Migration and Covid-19 », Two Homelands, vol. 56, 2022


In 2021, Dve domo­vini • Two Home­lands publi­shed a special issue entitled The Coro­na­virus Crisis and Migra­tion (vol. 54), which contained nume­rous articles on various contexts and specific aspects. Consi­de­ring the impor­tance of the topic, one year later, Dve domo­vini • Two Home­lands is devo­ting a new issue to migra­tion in the pandemic era. In the edito­rial of issue 54, we analysed the coro­na­virus crisis’s origins, charac­te­ris­tics, and social effects. In this edito­rial, we present an over­view of migra­tory move­ments and migra­tion poli­cies and the impact on labour and health for immi­grants. The current eco-pan-syndemic has produced new elements compared to the pre-COVID era that are conso­li­da­ting exis­ting pheno­mena and high­ligh­ting old problems. While it has limited, inter­rupted, and disrupted migra­tory move­ments, at the same time, it has deepened the under­lying causes of migra­tion by accen­tua­ting the need to emigrate.

Refe­rence page


FRANCESCO DELLA PUPPA, FABIO PEROCCO : Intro­duc­tion : Migrants and Migra­tion in the Eco-Pan-Syndemic Era

MOHAMMAD MORAD, AL AMIN RABBY, DEVI SACCHETTO, NADIA HAQUE : Shat­tered Dreams and the Return Home : Bangla­deshi Migrant Workers in the Gulf Coope­ra­tion Council Coun­tries During COVID-19

BILESHA WEERARATNE : Migrant Workers and the COVID-19 Pandemic : Evidence from Sri Lankans Abroad

JUAN PABLO SERRANO FRATTALI : Insti­tu­tional Discri­mi­na­tion and the Poli­ti­ci­za­tion of Migra­tion : The Case of the Colombia–Venezuela Border

DAVIDE GIRARDI : Immi­grants and the Pandemic in a Leading Region of Northern Italy : A Ques­tion of Positioning

NOEMI FILOSI, CHIARA IORIATTI, ELISA PINI, IRENE SERANGELI, GIULIA STORATO : The Pandemic in the Tren­tino Asylum Recep­tion System : Subjec­ti­vi­ties Lost Within the “Health of the Facility”

MOJCA VAH JEVŠNIK, MIRJAM MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK : Repa­tria­tion of Slove­nian Natio­nals During Mobi­lity Lock­downs Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

KRISTINA TOPLAK, MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN : Inter­na­tional Mobile Workers Caught Between Restric­tive Measures and Freedom of Move­ment During the COVID-19 Pandemic : The Case of Slovenia

MARIJANCA AJŠA VIŽINTIN : Intro­duc­tion : Only (With) Others Are We : Migra­tion and Education

MARIJANCA AJŠA VIŽINTIN, BORIS KERN : Inte­gra­tion of Immi­grant Chil­dren in Slovenia : Inten­sive Slove­nian Language Courses for Begin­ners and Possi­bi­li­ties for Inter­cul­tural Dialogue

LUCIJA KLUN, ALAA ALALI, JURE GOMBAČ : Educa­tional Inte­gra­tion from the Pers­pec­tive of Refugee Parents and Children

ALENKA GRIL, SABINA AUTOR, JANJA ŽMAVC : Pupils With an Immi­grant Back­ground in Distance Lear­ning in the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Slovenia

JAKA KLUN, KLARA SKUBIC ERMENC : The Posi­tion of Nations of Former Yugo­slavia in the Slove­nian Educa­tion System

MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN : Plans for a “Third Slove­nian Univer­sity” as Part of the Response to the Brain Drain Chal­lenges of the 1970s and 1980s

YULIA KRYVENKO : Book Review – Elena Sommer, Social Capital as a Resource for Migrant Entre­pre­neur­ship : Self-Employed Migrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany Munich : Springer VS, 2020, 331 pp.

ALÈXIA RUÉ : Book Review – Fran­cesco Della Puppa & Giuliana Sanò (eds.), Stuck and Exploited. Refu­gees and Asylum Seekers in Italy Between Exclu­sion, Discri­mi­na­tion and Struggles ; Venezia : Edizioni Ca’Foscari, 2021, 362 pp.

Refe­rence page