PUBLI : Linda Haapajärvi, « The communitarian stigma : Stigmatization as a mechanism of institutional racism in France », Ethnography, 2022, online


This article examines mino­rity citi­zens’ attempts of civic parti­ci­pa­tion in the working-class banlieue of Tiercy in the Paris area by consi­de­ring the double-bind they are confronted to : their efforts to perform as active and locally engaged citi­zens are readily abro­gated by suspi­cions of viola­ting what public autho­ri­ties unders­tand as appro­priate modes of civic parti­ci­pa­tion. By zooming into the chain of events that caused a mino­rity leader of West African origin to be disqua­li­fied as a civic actor based on accu­sa­tions of ‘commu­ni­ta­ria­nism’, it deve­lops a rela­tional analysis of stig­ma­ti­za­tion as a meso-level mecha­nism of insti­tu­tional racism. The analysis shows that compe­ting defi­ni­tions of ‘civic’ and asym­me­trical social rela­tions toge­ther engender racially diffe­ren­tiated prin­ciples of inter­ac­tion that prepare the ground for the emer­gence of stigma in orga­ni­za­tion settings.

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