PUBLI : Laura Hobson Faure, A « Jewish Marshall Plan » : the American Jewish Presence in Post-Holocaust France, Indiana University Press, 2022, 370 p.


While the role the United States played in Fran­ce’s libe­ra­tion from Nazi Germany is widely cele­brated, it is less well known that American Jewish indi­vi­duals and orga­ni­za­tions mobi­lized to recons­truct Jewish life in France after the Holo­caust. In A « Jewish Marshall Plan, » Laura Hobson Faure explores how American Jews committed them­selves and hundreds of millions of dollars to bring much needed aid to their French coreligionists.

Hobson Faure sheds light on American Jewish chaplains, members of the Armed Forces, and those involved with Jewish philan­thropic orga­ni­za­tions who sought out Jewish survi­vors and became deeply entan­gled with the commu­ni­ties they helped to rebuild. While well inten­tioned, their actions did not always meet the needs and desires of the French Jews.

A « Jewish Marshall Plan » examines the complex inter­ac­tions, exchanges, and soli­da­ri­ties created between American and French Jews follo­wing the Holo­caust. Chal­len­ging the assump­tion that French Jews were passive reci­pients of aid, this work reveals their work as active part­ners who nego­tiated their own role in the recons­truc­tion process.


List of Images
List of Abbreviations
1. Before the « Jewish Marshall Plan »
2. Jewish Encoun­ters in Libe­ra­tion France
3. Emer­ging from Catastrophe
4. Long-term Reconstruction
5. A Poli­tical Presence ?
6. « From Charity to Social Work »

Page de référence