AAC : Call for papers, 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Mercredi 29 juin – Vendredi 1er juillet 2022, Oslo — LIMITE : 15/​12/​2021

Migra­tion and Time : Tempo­ra­li­ties of Mobi­lity, Gover­nance, and Resistance

Migra­tion is inter­t­wined with time in myriad ways and at multiple scales. In indi­vi­dual lives, migra­tion propels change over time and entails enga­ge­ment with personal pasts and futures. Time and tempo­ra­li­ties are struc­tu­ring migra­tion expe­riences, when refu­gees are granted tempo­rary protec­tion, labour migrants are offered tempo­rary employ­ment and rights of resi­dency, and undo­cu­mented migrants are living with uncer­tain­ties for the future. The gover­nance of migra­tion is also the gover­nance of migrants’ rela­tions to and expe­riences of time. Gover­nance of migra­tion happens in time – some­times in the form of rapid changes in times of “crisis”, but perhaps also through post­po­ne­ment when the urgency has passed.

Atten­tion to time and tempo­ra­li­ties illu­mi­nates processes of othe­ring and patterns of inequa­li­ties, as well as forms of resis­tance and adap­ta­tions to poli­cies and insti­tu­tions. The rapid changes in laws, regu­la­tions, poli­cies and prac­tices of migra­tion also have reper­cus­sions on the topics, theo­re­tical approaches, and metho­do­lo­gies of migra­tion scho­lars. These and other pers­pec­tives on time and migra­tion have flou­ri­shed as part of the emer­ging ‘temporal turn’ in migra­tion studies. The theme ‘migra­tion and time’ brings out disci­pli­nary, metho­do­lo­gical and theo­re­tical diver­sity of migra­tion research with a shared focus.

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Indi­vi­dual Paper Proposals

Paper propo­sals should include a 250-word abstract and the name and affi­lia­tion of the author(s). Indi­vi­dual papers will be thema­ti­cally clus­tered into panels. We strongly encou­rage authors to high­light the concep­tual and metho­do­lo­gical novelty of their contribution.

Panel Propo­sals

Panel propo­sals should include a 250-word abstract of the theme of the panel, toge­ther with min 3/​max 5 thema­ti­cally consistent and related 250-word paper abstracts. Submis­sions should also include the name and affi­lia­tion of the chair and a discus­sant, as well as the name and affi­lia­tion of the author(s) for each paper abstract.

Work­shop Proposals

Propo­sals can also be submitted for work­shops, this can for example be book work­shops, policy work­shops. or round tables, with the aim of discus­sing research or to outline future research agendas. Submis­sions for work­shops should include a maximum 400-word abstract, and the names and affi­lia­tions of the organizer(s) and the persons taking part in the work­shop (up to 10 parti­ci­pants, exclu­ding the work­shop convenors).


Appli­cants may be the lead presenter of only one paper in the confe­rence. In addi­tion, appli­cants may chair only one panel. The dead­line for submit­ting propo­sals is December 15, 2021 (23:59 CET). Appli­cants will be informed about accep­tance of their submis­sion on the 1st of March 2022. The confe­rence may be fully online if the Covid-19 situa­tion imposes it.

Refe­rence page and more info