CONF : Lancement de la publication « L’Avenir des Diasporas » — Jeudi 28 octobre 2021, 14h00-15h30, en ligne


Cette publi­ca­tion conjointe ADEPT-IOM vous présente les points de vue de 12 experts des diasporas sur ce à quoi l’engagement des diasporas devrait, pour­rait ou même ressem­blera dans les 10 à 20 prochaines années.
Réservez le jeudi 28 octobre à 14h CET pour discuter de ces articles stimu­lants avec les auteurs eux-mêmes lors d’un sémi­naire en ligne qui s’annonce extrê­me­ment intéressant.


What does the future hold for diaspora enga­ge­ment ? At a time where our present efforts are still focused on coping with the conti­nuing imme­diate and longer-terms impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears critical to turn our atten­tion towards harnes­sing emer­ging oppor­tu­ni­ties and iden­ti­fying and miti­ga­ting future risks to be able to design effec­tive poten­tial responses and seek the contri­bu­tions of key actors.

The Future of Diasporas project was born out of the reali­za­tion that reflec­tions around diaspora enga­ge­ment all too often come down to States of play and lacked much-needed forward-looking vision. This publi­ca­tion contains 12 thought-provo­king articles written by global experts who have devoted their careers to better unders­tan­ding diaspora enga­ge­ment and crea­ting condi­tions for trans­na­tional commu­ni­ties to contri­bute to sustai­nable development.

The Future of Diaspora crys­ta­lizes successful colla­bo­ra­tion across disci­plines, areas of exper­tise and geogra­phic regions to shed light on the poten­tial of diasporas for deve­lop­ment and the need to keep inves­ting in and calling upon these commu­ni­ties, which have inva­luable poten­tial for both coun­tries of origin and residence.

During this event, the authors will present their insights on how they foresee diaspora enga­ge­ment in the next 10 to 20 years. The conver­sa­tion will focus on four key areas of diaspora enga­ge­ment directly related to the topics addressed in the 12 articles : (i) Diaspora policy ; (ii) Social capital, belon­ging, and diplo­macy ; (iii) Economic capital and entre­pre­neur­ship ; (iv) Human capital and innovation.


14.00 – 14.15  Opening remarks 

Carine Nsoudou, Execu­tive director, ADEPT 

Monica Goracci, Migra­tion Mana­ge­ment Director, IOM 

14.15 – 14.25  Panel 1 : Diaspora policy 

-“The future of diaspora” – King­sley Aikins 

-“Diaspora Enga­ge­ment Poli­cies in South America” – Ana Margheritis 

14.25 – 14.35  Panel 2 : Social capital, belon­ging, and diplomacy 

-“Inter­ge­ne­ra­tional diaspora enga­ge­ment” – Bashair Ahmed 

-“Raising the future of diasporas on their own terms : A new sense of belon­ging” – Emira Ajeti 

14.35 – 14.45  Panel 3 : Economic capital and entrepreneurship 

-“Diaspora and finance : A real part­ner­ship for home country growth” – Leon Isaacs 

-“Thin­king about the future of diasporas” – Manuel Orozco 

14.45 – 15.00  Panel 4 : Human capital and innovation 

-“The climate and deve­lop­ment nexus and the role of the African diaspora” – Saliem Fakir 

-“Using Tech to Channel Diaspora Know­ledge Home” – Ronit Avni 

-“How does diplo­macy fare in a digi­tized world?” – Hon. Paul Raymund Cortes 

15.00 – 15.20  Q&A 
15.20 – 15.30  Closing Remarks 


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