PUBLI : Linda Haapajärvi, « On the Importance of Playing House : Belonging Work and the Making of Relational Citizens in Finnish Immigrant Integration Policies », Politics & Policy, 2021, p. 1–24. 

As parti­ci­pa­tory immi­grant inte­gra­tion poli­cies proli­fe­rate in Europe, it has become urgent to analyze the dyna­mics of citi­zen­ship these poli­cies produce. This article forges the notion of belon­ging-work to explore the prac­tices that front­line social workers use to manage rela­tions between immi­grant women and their native neigh­bors. Based on exten­sive ethno­gra­phic field­work conducted in Helsinki, Finland, the article accounts for belon­ging as a socially situated phenomenon—as an inter­ac­tive process that takes place in concrete insti­tu­tional settings. It attracts atten­tion to the domestic mode of belon­ging toward which welfare profes­sio­nals channel immi­grant women’s local parti­ci­pa­tion by construc­ting collec­tive iden­ti­ties as local mothers, culti­va­ting extended prac­tices of care, and orches­tra­ting feelings of “homi­ness” between the mobi­lized women. A prag­matic solu­tion to preven­ting social isola­tion in inac­tive migrant women, parti­ci­pa­tory inte­gra­tion measures—if prac­ticed alone—appear to hold weak poten­tial for produ­cing equal citizenship.

Page de réfé­rence : https://​onli​ne​li​brary​.wiley​.com/​d​o​i​/​f​u​l​l​/​1​0​.​1​1​1​1​/​p​o​l​p​.12420