PUBLI : Claire Schiff, « Intra-group boundary-making in online discussions between newcomers and descendants of North African immigrants in France », New Diversities, vol. 23, n°1, 2021, p. 11–25. 

This paper addresses the issue of intra-group diffe­rences and rela­tions among long stan­ding post-colo­nial immi­grant commu­ni­ties. Through an analysis of sub-ethnic cate­go­ries used by North Afri­cans in France for naming newco­mers, this article contri­butes to the emer­ging lite­ra­ture on ‘ethno­he­te­ro­ge­nesis’ and diver­si­fi­ca­tion within immi­grant mino­rity groups by adop­ting the frame­work of symbolic boun­dary-making and Norbert Elias’s esta­bli­shed-outsider confi­gu­ra­tion. Using mate­rial gathered from online discus­sion forums serving the Magh­rebi commu­nity, the author analyses how stig­ma­ti­za­tion and counter-stig­ma­ti­za­tion processes between new arri­vals (les Blédards) and native-born mino­ri­ties (les Beurs) are influenced by the colo­nial heri­tage, changes in the profiles of migrants ente­ring France and evol­ving trans­na­tional ties. The study reveals how intra-group boun­dary making processes are struc­tured around moral discourses and debates about three different but closely arti­cu­lated themes : cultural and personal (in)authenticity, social (il)legitimacy and indi­vi­dual merit and the instru­men­ta­li­za­tion of gender rela­tions in the trans­na­tional marriage market.

Page de réfé­rence : https://​newdi​ver​si​ties​.mmg​.mpg​.de/​?​p​a​g​e​_​i​d=4885