All presentations of the 1st International Conference on Migrations are available online !

The 1st Inter­na­tional Confe­rence on Migra­tions was held on May, 6 and 7, 2021. You can still watch the enri­ching presen­ta­tions and discus­sions we were lucky to have. Indeed, all the videos are avai­lable on our Youtube channel : https://​www​.youtube​.com/​p​l​a​y​l​i​s​t​?​l​i​s​t​=​P​L​r​J​t​u​4​k​y​l​I​J​E​D​A​m​E​s​f​s​H​r​d​t​q​b​9​w​s8mmRn

You can also find the slides of the presen­ta­tions on this page : https://​www​.icmi​gra​tions​.cnrs​.fr/​r​e​c​h​e​r​c​h​e​/​i​c​m​2​-2021/