PUBLI : Linda Haapajärvi, Jean-Barthelemi Debost et Nada Afiouni, « Muslim cemeteries and politics of belonging. A comparative case study of France, Finland and Britain », AEMI Journal, vol. 17–18, 2020, p. 53–72


The premise of this article is to unders­tand Islamic ceme­te­ries as sites of poli­tics of belon­ging and the nego­tia­tion of national belon­ging in the face of death and burial. The specific sites to which this article refers are Helsinki (Finland), Paris (France) and London (United Kingdom).
In these coun­tries there are various Muslim mino­ri­ties, but they also differ in their respec­tive migra­tion histo­ries, the legal frame­work of burial regu­la­tion and their tradi­tions of regu­la­ting cultural diver­sity. The article examines the ques­tion of Islamic burial as proble­matic in selected
national contexts at different times. By visua­li­sing the specific burial sites in all three ethni­cally and reli­giously plural socie­ties, it aims at concre­ti­sing and unra­vel­ling the compa­ra­tive analysis of contem­po­rary Muslim prac­tices in selected locations.

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