CONF : Séminaire “The Coloniality of Migration” — Mercredi 20 janvier 2021, 17h, en ligne

The Seminar Series on Forced Migra­tion is part of Europe-Asia Research Plat­form on Forced Migra­tion at the Institut für die Wissen­schaften vom Menschen (IWM) and Maha­nirban Calcutta Research Group (CRG); and is hosted at the Depart­ment of Social and Cultural Anthro­po­logy at the Univer­sity of Vienna.

Europe-Asia Research Plat­form on Forced Migra­tion advances the coope­ra­tion between Euro­pean and South Asian insti­tu­tions and acade­mics while working toward crea­ting a joint research plat­form for inno­va­tive know­ledge produc­tion on forced migra­tion and border regimes. Brin­ging toge­ther scho­lars, policy makers and prac­ti­tio­ners from different disci­plines and regions, the Seminar Series aspires to decen­te­ring Europe-focused scho­lar­ship, debates, and poli­cies on forced migration.

The Seminar Series, as part of Europe-Asia Research Plat­form on Forced Migra­tion, bene­fits from the research plat­form The Chal­lenge of Urban Futures at the Univer­sity of Vienna and Cities and Human Mobi­lity Colla­bo­ra­tive at the Zolberg Insti­tute on Migra­tion and Mobi­lity at the New School for Social Research.

The Seminar Series brings spea­kers from different disci­plines to discuss topics ranging from chan­ging regimes and forms of gover­nance of migrants/​refugees ; the soli­da­rity networks and demands for social justice as entan­gled with increa­sing inequa­li­ties, auste­rity poli­tics, and racism ; the insti­tu­tional compo­nents regu­la­ting and mana­ging different forms of displa­ce­ment ; incor­po­ra­tion and exclu­sion of refu­gees and migrants from labor markets and protec­tion regimes along the lines of gender, race, reli­gion, and work.

“The Colo­nia­lity of Migration”

The upco­ming seminar will be given by Prem Kumar Rajaram (Depart­ment of Socio­logy and Social Anthro­po­logy, Central Euro­pean Univer­sity), titled “The Colo­nia­lity of Migra­tion” and is sche­duled for Wednesday, January 20, 2021 star­ting at 5pm CET (Vienna time). The event will be held online. Everyone is welcome.

Seminar Series on Forced Migration

To register for the seminar, click here.

Click here for more infor­ma­tion about the Seminar Series on Forced Migration.