Louis Sirugue : « Inequality of opportunity across origins in France »

Louis Sirugue est docto­rant à Paris School of Economics.

Direc­teur de thèse : Thomas PIKETTY, Paris School of Econo­mics et EHESS

Codi­rec­teur de thèse : Patrick SIMON, INED

Sujet de thèse : « Inequa­lity of oppor­tu­nity across origins in France »

By OECD stan­dards, France is charac­te­rized by a parti­cu­larly low level of inter­ge­ne­ra­tional income mobi­lity. As immi­grants tend to face more preca­rious socio-economic condi­tions than natives, this inter­ge­ne­ra­tional inertia ranks among the main plau­sible causes of the ethnic gap. But despite similar educa­tional invest­ments, second-gene­ra­tion immi­grants consis­tently earn less even condi­tio­nally on parental income. I inves­ti­gate the sources of this inequa­lity of oppor­tu­nity focu­sing on the poten­tial role played by spatial segre­ga­tion. I rely on an algo­rithm that infers indi­vi­duals” genea­lo­gical origins based on their last name to esti­mate segre­ga­tion indices that are precise enough so that their varia­tion can be used for causal identification.

Louis Sirugue est rattaché aux dépar­te­ments INTEGER et POLICY.

Projet de thèse