PUBLI : Izabela Wagner, Bauman : A Biography, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2020.


Global thinker, public intel­lec­tual and world-famous theo­rist of ‘liquid moder­nity’, Zygmunt Bauman (1925–2017) was a scholar who, despite forced migra­tion, built a very successful academic career and, after reti­re­ment, became a prolific and popular writer and an intel­lec­tual talisman for young people everyw­here. He was one of those rare scho­lars who, grey-haired and in his eigh­ties, had his finger on the pulse of the youth.

This is the first compre­hen­sive biography of Bauman’s life and work. Izabela Wagner returns to Bauman’s native Poland and recounts his child­hood in an assi­mi­lated Polish Jewish family and the school expe­riences shaped by anti-Semi­tism. Bauman’s life trajec­tory is typical of his gene­ra­tion and social group : the escape from Nazi occu­pa­tion and Soviet secon­dary educa­tion, commu­nist enga­ge­ment, enrolment in the Polish Army as a poli­tical officer, parti­ci­pa­tion in the WW II and the support for the new poli­tical regime in the post-war Poland. Wagner sheds new light on the post-war period and Bauman’s acti­vity as a KBW poli­tical officer. His evic­tion in 1953 from the mili­tary ranks and his academic career reflect the dynamic context of Poland in 1950s and 1960s. His profes­sional career in Poland was abruptly halted in 1968 by the anti-Semitic purges. Bauman became a refugee again – leaving Poland for Israel, and then settling down in Leeds in the UK in 1971. His work would flou­rish in Leeds, and after his reti­re­ment in 1991 he entered a period of enor­mous produc­ti­vity which propelled him onto the inter­na­tional stage as one of the most widely read and influen­tial social thin­kers of our time.

Wagner’s biography brings out the complex connec­tions between Bauman’s life expe­riences and his work, showing how his trajec­tory as an ‘outsider’ forced into exile by the anti-Semitic purges in Poland has shaped his thin­king over time. Her careful and thorough account will be the stan­dard biography of Bauman’s life and work for years to come.