PUBLI : Tudi Kernalegenn et Emilie van Haute (dir.), Political Parties Abroad, A new Arena for Party Politics, Londres, Routledge, 2020.


This book analyzes parties beyond the national borders and their increa­sing insti­tu­tio­na­li­za­tion abroad, in order to unders­tand their deve­lop­ment, their orga­ni­za­tional speci­fi­ci­ties, their func­tions, and their impact on the party system and national poli­tics at home.

With 12 contrasted case studies, it compa­ra­ti­vely addresses a wide range of pers­pec­tives on poli­tical parties abroad and lays the foun­da­tion for a frame­work of analysis of poli­tical parties abroad, contri­bu­ting to a better unders­tan­ding of trans­na­tio­na­lism and long-distance demo­cracy. The gene­ra­li­za­tion of over­seas voting and the deve­lop­ment of repre­sen­ta­tive insti­tu­tions for emigrants has trans­formed the civic and poli­tical links between states and their diaspora. This has also created new oppor­tu­ni­ties for poli­tical parties, with the task to reach out to citi­zens living abroad, mobi­lize them for elec­tions, and even orga­nize their repre­sen­ta­tion at home. This book repre­sents the first in-depth study of an emer­ging phenomenon.

This book will be of key interest to scho­lars and students of poli­tical parties/​party poli­tics, immi­gra­tion, and more broadly to demo­cracy studies and compa­ra­tive politics.

Table of Contents

Intro­duc­tion : Why Study Poli­tical Parties Abroad ? Diasporas as new arenas for party politics

Tudi Kerna­le­genn and Émilie Van Haute

Part I : Parties abroad to channel the vote of emigrants

1. Radical Right across Borders ? The case of EKRE’s Finnish branch

Mari-Liis Jakobson, Tõnis Saarts and Leif Kalev

2. Federal Struc­ture and Party Poli­tics as Simul­ta­neous Oppor­tu­nity and Constraint : Trans­na­tional Poli­tical Enga­ge­ment of over­seas Americans

Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels

3. Anti-Party Skew and Varia­tion in Diaspora Outreach by Mexican Parties

Michael A. Paarlberg

Part II : Parties Abroad to Select Representatives

4. The Orga­ni­sa­tion of Roma­nian Parties Abroad

Sergiu Gher­ghina and Sorina Soare

5. En Marche French Expa­triates ! The booming emer­gence of a new poli­tical actor among French resi­dents over­seas in the 2017 elections

Tudi Kerna­le­genn and Cédric Pellen

6. Exten­ding the Incum­bency Presence Abroad : The Case of MPAIS in Ecua­do­rian Over­seas Districts

Sebas­tián Umpierrez de Reguero and Régis Dandoy

Part III : Parties Abroad as Lobbying Structures

7. External Voting without Poli­tical Parties Abroad ? Compa­ring Japan, South Korea and Taiwan

Takayoshi Uekami, Jisun Park and Boyu Chen

8. The Acti­vi­ties of Israeli Poli­tical Parties Abroad : More than Just a Voters’ Game

Avital Friedman and Ofer Kenig

9. Buil­ding Party Sections around Europe : The Construc­tion Process of ‘Syriza Paris’

Modestos Siotos

Part IV : Parties Abroad to Control Emigrants

10. Party Poli­tics in Trans­na­tional and Autho­ri­ta­rian Settings : Tuni­sian pro- and anti-Ben Ali’s regime parties in France

Mathilde Zederman

11. The Alge­rian Commu­ni­ty’s Vote Abroad : chal­lenges and stra­te­gies for poli­tical parties

Belkacem Benze­nine

12. Party Orga­ni­sa­tions across Borders : Top-down satel­lites and bottom-up alliances. The case of AKP and HDP in Germany.

İnci Öykü Yener-Roderburg

Conclu­sion : A Frame­work of Analysis for Poli­tical Parties Abroad

Émilie van Haute and Tudi Kernalegenn

Page de réfé­rence : https://​www​.rout​ledge​.com/​P​o​l​i​t​i​c​a​l​-​P​a​r​t​i​e​s​-​A​b​r​o​a​d​-​A​-​N​e​w​-​A​r​e​n​a​-​f​o​r​-​P​a​r​t​y​-​P​o​l​i​t​i​c​s​-​1​s​t​-​E​d​i​t​i​o​n​/​K​e​r​n​a​l​e​g​e​n​n​-​v​a​n​-​H​a​u​t​e​/​p​/​b​o​o​k​/​9​7​8​0​3​6​7​857851