PUBLI : Agnieszka Fihel et Marek Okólski, « Demographic change and challenges » in Social and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe, (ed. Gorzelak), 2019

  • Chapitre dans le livre Social and Economic Deve­lop­ment in Central and Eastern Europe. Stabi­lity and Change after 1990, dirigé par Grze­gorz Gorzelak
  • Page de réfé­rence à consulter ici


As a rule, due to the multi­tude and complexity of economic, social and poli­tical factors that condi­tion popu­la­tion processes, the latter usually take place in a slow and gradual manner, whereas abrupt demo­gra­phic changes are rare. Yet, in the post-1989 period, the 11 coun­tries of Central and Eastern Europe (EU11) expe­rienced sudden and simul­ta­neous turna­bouts in all the three funda­mental demo­gra­phic pheno­mena : nata­lity, morta­lity and inter­na­tional migra­tion. The consequent de-popu­la­tion and process of popu­la­tion ageing, which we address in this chapter, became one of the most far-reaching changes specific to the EU11 socie­ties under­going the post-commu­nist insti­tu­tional and economic tran­si­tion, and one of the grea­test chal­lenges for these socie­ties in the near future.