Coll., Dossier « Ten years of PACO », The Open Journal of Socio-Political Studies, vol. 11, n°3, 2018


Tenth Anni­ver­sary Edition of Parte­ci­pa­zione e Conflitto., Alice Mattoni, Louisa Parks, Luca Raffini, 607–613

Special Issue

Chal­lenges of the Anti-Trump Move­ment, Sidney Tarrow, David S. Meyer, 614–645

The Poli­tical Impact of Social Inse­cu­rity in France, Nonna Mayer, 646–691

The ”Missing Conflict” of the Sabar­mati River­front. Autho­ri­ta­rian Gover­nance, Neoli­be­ra­lism and Water in Ahme­dabad, India, Gloria Pessina, 692–716

Global Rights and Local Struggles. The case of the ILO Conven­tion n.189 on domestic work, Daniela Cheru­bini, Giulia Garo­falo Geymonat, Sabrina Marchetti, 717–742

What We Talk about When We Talk about ”Local’ Parti­ci­pa­tion in Inter­na­tional Biodi­ver­sity Law. The Chan­ging Scope of Indi­ge­nous Peoples and Local Commu­ni­ties” Parti­ci­pa­tion under the Conven­tion on Biolo­gical Diver­sity, Louisa Parks, Mika Schröder, 743–785

Everyday Iden­tity Change. Conver­gences and Chal­lenges, Achie­ve­ments and Agendas of Recent Research, Jennifer Todd, 786–812

Open Section

Cate­go­ri­zing Collec­tive Capa­bi­li­ties, Fran­cesca Rosi­gnoli, 813–837

Awake­ning the Slee­ping Giant ? The Euro Crisis and EU Issue Voting in Germany, Luca Carrieri, 838–864

The Italian Animal Advo­cacy Archi­pe­lago and the Four Anima­lisms, Niccolò Bertuzzi, 865–890

Book Reviews

Domi­nique Lorrain and Franck Poupeau (2016), Water Regimes : Beyond the Public and Private Sector, New York : Rout­ledge, Vanessa Mascia Turri, 891–899

Swia­nie­wicz, P. and Teles, F. (eds., 2018), Inter­mu­ni­cipal Coope­ra­tion in Europe. Insti­tu­tions and Gover­nance, New York, NY, Palgrave Macmillan., Matteo Bocchino, 900–919

Marino, S., Roos­blad, J., & Penninx, R. (Eds., 2017), Trade Unions and Migrant Workers : New Contexts and Chal­lenges in Europe, Chel­tenham : Edward Elgar Publi­shing., Carlotta Benvegnù, 920–925

Marcos Ance­lo­vici, Pascale Dufour and Héloïse Nez (eds., 2016), Street Poli­tics in the Age of Auste­rity : From the Indi­gnados to Occupy, Amsterdam : Amsterdam Univer­sity Press, 2016., Raffaele Bazurli

PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO [Parti­ci­pa­tion and Conflict] was created in 2008, the first journal in Italy to specia­lize in work analy­zing poli­tical and social parti­ci­pa­tion. The journal was to be open to inter­dis­ci­pli­nary work, inter­na­tio­nally oriented, and founded on rigo­rous criteria for review. 10 years later in 2018, we believe we have respected that aim. In Italy, PaCo is a touchs­tone for work on conten­tious poli­tics, poli­tical parti­ci­pa­tion and grass­roots mobi­li­za­tion in Europe, and is stea­dily beco­ming more and more international.

In the intro­duc­tion to our first issue we described the journal as “an ambi­tious project born of the need to create an auto­no­mous arena for debate dedi­cated to the study of the dyna­mics of trans­for­ma­tion of contem­po­rary poli­tical systems, with a specific focus on the analysis of parti­ci­pa­tion and the poli­tical and social conflicts that charac­te­rize this. A journal not only about parti­ci­pa­tion, but about poli­tical and social studies that place aspects of parti­ci­pa­tion at their core, in all their intrinsic ambi­va­lences, in their consti­tu­tive link to the dyna­mics of conflict”. We invited research and studies that focused on the trans­for­ma­tions of poli­tics and its prin­cipal actors : parties, interest groups, trade unions, social move­ments, asso­cia­tions, sub-cultural and counter-cultural commu­ni­ties, citi­zens’ commit­tees and other forms of more or less formally orga­nized actors “from below”. We sought work that inves­ti­gated the processes of demo­cra­ti­za­tion and new forms of demo­cratic parti­ci­pa­tion in a parti­ci­pa­tory vein, but also on the ways in which spaces for collec­tive action were being squeezed, and dyna­mics of iden­tity closure ; on spaces opening up or closing down, on new forms of gover­nance at local, national or supra­na­tional level, without forget­ting those forms of parti­ci­pa­tion and conflict that chal­lenge, in more or less radical ways, the poli­tical, social, economic and cultural foun­da­tions of contem­po­rary societies.