Félix Germain et Silyane Larcher (Dir.), Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality, 1848–2016, 2018


Black French Women and the Struggle for Equa­lity, 1848–2016 explores how black women in France itself, the French Carib­bean, Gorée, Dakar, Rufisque, and Saint-Louis expe­rienced and reacted to French colo­nia­lism and how gendered readings of colo­ni­za­tion, deco­lo­ni­za­tion, and social move­ments cast new light on the history of French colo­ni­za­tion and of black France. In addi­tion to deli­nea­ting the powerful contri­bu­tions of black French women in the struggle for equa­lity, contri­bu­tors also look at the expe­riences of African American women in Paris and in so doing inte­grate into colo­nial and post­co­lo­nial conver­sa­tions the stra­te­gies black women have engaged in nego­tia­ting gender and race rela­tions à la fran­çaise. Drawing on research by scho­lars from different disci­pli­nary back­grounds and coun­tries, this collec­tion offers a fresh, multi­di­men­sional pers­pec­tive on race, class, and gender rela­tions in France and its former colo­nies, explo­ring how black women have nego­tiated the boun­da­ries of patriarchy and racism from their eman­ci­pa­tion from slavery to the second decade of the twenty-first century.


Fore­word T. Denean Shar­pley-Whiting Intro­duc­tion : Marianne Is Also Black Félix Germain and Silyane Larcher Part 1. Black Women in Poli­tics and Society 1. Origi­naire Women and Poli­tical Life in Senegal’s Four Communes Hilary Jones 2. Chris­tiane Taubira, a Black Woman in Poli­tics in French Guiana and in France Stéphanie Guyon 3. A Passion for Justice : The Role of Women in the Aliker Case Monique Milia-Marie-Luce Part 2. Femi­nist and Post­co­lo­nial Move­ments for Equa­lity 4. French Carib­bean Femi­nism in the Post­de­part­men­ta­li­za­tion Era Félix Germain 5. The End of Silence : On the Revival of Afro­fe­mi­nism in Contem­po­rary France Silyane Larcher 6. Gerty Archi­mède and the Struggle for Deco­lo­nial Citi­zen­ship in the French Antilles, 1946–51 Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel Part 3. Respec­ta­bi­lity, Resis­tance, and Trans­na­tional Iden­ti­ties 7. A Black Woman’s Life in the Struggle : Jean McNair in France Tyler Stovall 8. Am I My Sister’s Keeper ? The Poli­tics of Propriety and the Fight for Equa­lity in the Works of French Antillean Women Writers, 1920s–40s Jacque­line Couti 9. Between Respec­ta­bi­lity and Resis­tance : French Carib­bean Women Confronted by Mascu­line Domi­na­tion during the Second Half of the Twen­tieth Century Stéphanie Mulot and Nadine Lefau­cheur Part 4. The Dialec­tics between Body, Nation, and Repre­sen­ta­tion 10. Media and the Poli­tics of “Re-presen­ta­tion” of the Black Female Body Sarah Fila-Baka­badio 11. Shaking the Racial and Gender Foun­da­tions of France : The Influences of “Sarah Baartman” in the Produc­tion of French­ness Robin Mitchell Part 5. Black Women Critique the “Empire” 12. Discourse on Immi­gra­tion : Fatou Diome’s Commit­ment to Human Rights in The Belly of the Atlantic Joseph Diémé 13. Remap­ping the Metro­polis : Theo­ri­zing Black Women’s Subjec­ti­vi­ties in Interwar Paris Claire Oberon Garcia 14. Social Imagi­na­ries in Tension ? The Women of Cameroon’s Battle for Equal Rights under French Rule at the Turn of the 1940s–50s Rose Ndengue Contri­bu­tors Index


  • Félix Germain is an assis­tant professor of Afri­cana studies at the Univer­sity of Pitts­burgh. He is the author of Deco­lo­ni­zing the Repu­blic : African and Carib­bean Migrants in Postwar France, 1946–1974. 
  • Silyane Larcher is a histo­rical and poli­tical socio­lo­gist working as a research scholar at the French National Center for Scien­tific Research (CNRS). She is the author of The Other Citizen : The Repu­blican Ideal and the West Indies after Slavery.